Spring has Sprung here in the land down under. We actually had our first 35c/95f day! In October!
I think this summer is going to be one seriously sizzling one.
This week unfortunately I have been struck down with a cold. While that sucks, it has been my one and only sickness for the year, so I’m not going to complain about that.
Lots of vitamin C and Echinacea have helped that is for sure.
The other thing that has helped is sleep. Thanks to my loving husband/partner he has allowed me to get the needed rest I need so I can get better.
That has meant that he has looked after the kids, and made them breakfast/lunch/dinner, while I either 1. sleep or 2. work.
So let’s get into the Five things I give a High Five to this Friday.
Five Pictures

- Chicken Egg Pie. Except for the fact it’s more like a quiche than a pie. Either way, it’s a winner in our house.
- My first run for the season in shorts. Going to have to get used to it, but feels weird either way.
- The October Goodnessme Box hands down have to be my fav box so far. So many wonderful goodies.
- It was Tom’s birthday the other day.
- These whispy clouds just scream summer and beach to me.
Five Links
- Five ways to make your Yoga Practice Stick
Remove the word Yoga and put in “running” ,”diet” or “family” and these principles still apply. - 15 Reasons why you aren’t running faster
I read a lot on running boards of people who want to run faster but have no idea why. If you aren’t too sure why you aren’t running faster, then I bet one of these 15 reasons applies to you. - Secrets I want my Daughter to Know
As a parent, I think these secrets apply to anyone who wants to lead a happy and grateful life. - Five Reasons to Try Trail Running
I love trail running, so I don’t need any reasons to get there on the trails, but they are good reasons to try it all the same. - 30 Morning Rituals to bring you Joy
We all have one thing we have to do every morning that makes us feel like a person and bring us joy. Is your one thing on the list?
Five from the Archive
I have been working on my SEO for the last few weeks. It’s been a long slow process, but I have found some old articles that I thought should see the light of day.
- Would You Rather
The very first in a fun running survey series. - Tough Mudder 2013
With my 4th Tough Mudder coming up, I thought it would be fun to go back to my very first event. Be warned it’s a long post with no pictures. - 1BandID
I still have, and still use it. It goes wherever I and my watch goes. - Anytime Anywhere 5 Min Workout
These 5 exercises you can do anywhere anytime. - My Kids With a Camera
What happens when you give your kids a camera? You get hilarious moments captured.
What do you give a high five to this week?
So sorry about your spring cold, hope you can get over it soon! Enjoy running in shorts, we are just nearing the transition from them here:) Well I think maybe one more month can be stretched, we usually start getting our first valley snowfalls sometime in the next few weeks. I want to get more camping in, hope it holds off:) That or I just need some $$ to visit Austraila and enjoy your sun:)
That is seriously one good looking birthday cake, and Tom looks pretty chuffed with it too!!!!! Bah about the cold. Even worse when the weather is perfect. Olive Leaf Extract we swear by in this house, tastes urrrgh but helps.
I will have to keep the olive leaf extract in mind.
I haven’t run for a week. Might attempt a 3km run tomorrow. We’ll see.