Bright Kind Adventures

There are lot of words that describe who I am.

  • Mum
  • Runner
  • Photographer
  • Reader
  • Crocheter

Just to name a few.

If I were to dig deep and had to chose just three words that really describe who I am, they would be; Bright, Kind, Adventures.

Why these three words?

.1. Bright

“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

From: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

I could have chosen the word happy, but I chose bright because I feel that word not only encompasses happiness but a whole lot more.

We all need a little brightness in our day.

.2. Kind

A little bit of kindness goes a long way.  It takes nothing to be kind.

Being kind means not only being kind to others, but to yourself, and to your environment.

I’m the person that will always do the thankless jobs. It’s no wonder my love language is Acts of Service.

.3. Adventures

What’s life with out adventures!

Live should be full of them.

For me that’s exploring the great outdoors. There are so many places to explore, and there is always adventures to be had.

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