Steve Baird Handicap

Oh dear oh dear oh dear. (And I don’t mean the scary image 😛 )

This post is like 6 days overdue. Whoops.  That was not intentional, but it happens.

So here is my recap for Sat 22nd of June SAAC race. Which I will also incorporate into FFL!

We have been seriously blessed with super sunny winter days here in Stawell. Really fantastic running weather.

This race was the same as last year’s course.  No running from the club room, as it’s 7km from the club room to the start line.  The kids rode their bikes to North park, while I drove.  Once everyone arrived, we piled in the car and drove out to the start line.

The sub-juniors ran their race 1st.  I ran with Miles.  Yeah, we walked for most of it.  But he is only little (4) and has little legs.  Also, the distance was 2km.  If I had known the sub-juniors were going to be that far, he wouldn’t have done it.  Last year it was 1km, so I’m not sure why the subbies had a different distance this year.
Kayla did awesomely. She came 2nd.  Proud of my little girl.  Miles came last, but I don’t think the handicapper gave him an appropriate handicap time (which I will bring up with him next time, cause the race results to say he didn’t run, which in fact he did).  The other thing was by the time we were heading back, the senior race was starting.  I wasn’t happy with this, cause this gave me little to no time to do a stretch.  Yeah, I had done a warm-up (running/walking with Miles), but still.  Not impressed…. anyway I sucked it up, and when my handicap time of 10 minutes rolled around I went off.

I’m happy it was the same course as last year, as I was familiar with it.  However I went out too fast, I knew the last 1km was going to be uphill, and that’s where it will be your downfall or work in your favor.

Here are my results from 2012

And here are my results from this year (2013)

All my training is paying off.  I came 6th overall (not bad), but I struggled on that last hill.

I did however get my fastest 1km (4:06), fasted 1mi (6:50), and fastest 5km (22:53), which I’m happy with.

Should be interesting what times I get on a flatter course. Only time will tell.

(Click on images to make them bigger)

Notice something? I own a RunMum tech t-shirt. I love it. It was a gift from my kiddies and hubby for my birthday. This was the first time I got to wear it, and it’s so comfy, soft, and does what it’s supposed to do, keep you cool.

11 thoughts on “Steve Baird Handicap”

    1. Thanks, I love my shirt too, should show the back, has my logo and my web address.
      Was a good race, that last hill tests people that’s for sure.

  1. That is a brilliant Idea, I have a ten miler and a Marathon coming up! This would be a great way to get the word out about a blog for all those well earned miles! I am such a copy Great run and time btw!

  2. That is great y/y improvement! It looks like hill repeats and off-season strength training could definitely pay huge dividends for you.

    Also, I didn’t realize you could share Garmin workouts like this, and I will definitely have to work this out for my site.

    1. Where I live is deceptively hilly, so when I do big runs in the city, I tend to get good times cause it flat compared to out here. I need to practice more on this hill though.
      10th of July we will have one killer hill run, so hopefully all the hill repeats will pay off.
      With garmin connect it will be under ‘share’, and then select (highlight) embed, then paste that in the css section of your blog post.

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