April Running Stats

Wow, April is done and dusted. That’s 1/3 of the year gone.

This year really is flying by, and May will be over before I know it.

I must say though that I have quite enjoyed the month of April.  I’m not sure if it’s because the run club has started for the seasons (yay), or because I’ve had a few very enjoyable runs. Hey, it could even be both. Let’s just go with both.

So we have had some big events in April.

  1. was the Geelong Half Marathon, which you can read about here
  2. was my victory in the Horsham Little Aths run in Horsham, which you can read here.

So the running stats are as follows:
Garmin – 113.41km
Nike + – 105km
Run Keeper – 111.5km

I’m going to go with the Garmin stats.

Now if you are wondering why I use Nike+ and Run Keeper, well I use them as backup.  There are also features on those sites that Garmin doesn’t have.  Yeah, it can be a pain to log it, but better to have it backed up than to lose all my info.

So for graph geeks out there here are the graphs.

First up Garmin.

garmin connect

What I like about the Garmin stats, is that they are simple.  Now if you are thinking “what about avg run cadence” if I had the fancy Garmin 910 it would work it out for me, but alas I do not, I have to work it out myself, which means actually counting my steps per min.
I’ve done it before, and I think it’s around 160ish, but don’t quote me on that, it’s been a while since I’ve done it.

april stats

Now for Nike +

So the Nike + stats have a lot more information.  This is basically the dashboard (for those of you that don’t use it).  It has all the info on there.  It has other bonus stuff too, like “time of day you run most”, which I think is kinda cool.
The other features of Nike + I love are the fact that you can note how you feel on each run, and what the weather was like, but the best part is you can add a shoe.  So you know how many km you have done on that particular shoe.  Garmin and Run Keeper don’t have this feature.

april best stats

Last but not least, Run Keeper. Now I thought I would add a different graph.  This particular graph shows you my Personal Records.  Now you can see that April 2013 really was my ‘best’ month, with lots of personal achievements  How cool is that!

So what does May bring me? Well more running of course.  I’ve added another day of running, which is a slow recovery run on a Tuesday.  It will be an early morning run, so only 3km, but so far it’s been good.

May also brings Run The Gap, which I’m super excited about, cause I get to run on home turf.  I love the Grampians.

So whatever May brings I’m going to go out there and crush it!

4 thoughts on “April Running Stats”

  1. Wow, look at you! And glad to see that I’m not the only one that runs with a backup… although it’s so frustrating when they’re off and one thing tells me I’m done with my run and the other says I still have a 1/4 of a mile to run! 🙂

    1. the garmin is pretty accurate, and i’m imputting the information from garmin direct to runkeeper and nike+ so I don’t know why they say it’s off, but it’s frustrating when it doesn’t match.
      As long as ‘offical’ races are accurate that’s all that matters imo.

    2. Wow they are some impressive stats! You go girl! I have spent most of April being sick ap haven’t run once (seriously going through withdrawals). Good luck for your next race, and thanks so much for stopping by – TRX was great – totally hard work though – a lot harder than I expected!

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