As a part of my Run to Paradise project, I made the last-minute decision to Run to Landsborough as a training run.
On the plan was a 4 hour adventure run.
It’s 34km to Landsborough, and with similar terrain and elevation as what I would expect for Run to Paradise, I figured it would be a good gauge of how not only how my training is going, but if I’m actually capable of this goal.
With rain forecasted, I decided it would be best to start early, as I really didn’t want to run in the rain unless I really had to.
Laying out all my gear the night before, I was ready.
The alarm went off, and I was out the door by 5:40am.
It’s hard not to get into your own head and stress over such a run.
Which is why I split this run into two sections. Pre sunrise & post sunrise.

Starting in the dark, I kept my pace steady and easy. Walking when my watch told me to have carbs, or when I felt like it.
The other thing I told myself was that my running didn’t start until I got to 2 hours.
At the 2 hour mark I ran 15.5km, and the sunrise was just spectacular.

Those first two hours, I was in my own head, listening to the sounds of nature, birds, bats, and watching the moths fly into my headlamp.
Occasionally a car would pass me. Overall it was relatively quite.
Three hours passed, and I had clocked 24km. I shot Tom a message to starting making his way to come pick me up.
Four kilometre’s later a familiar car passed me. Hmm, he was faster than I expected. I told him to drive another 4k’s as I still had a bit more time to cover.
It was also at this point that two pit bull/ staffy dogs escaped a nearby property and started chasing me.
You can never be too cautious with dogs. I stopped immediately. They were clearly excited, jumping up and down and licking my legs and hands (salty goodness). With no interest in going home, they just wanted to come with me. Likely, Tom witnessed all this can came to my rescue. He was able to distract the dogs and get them back home, so I could continue on.
At 3h55 minutes, I was on the outskirts of town. Tom pulled over “it’s 2km to Lansborough, and it’s all downhill”.
Nothing like your husband to push you to get it done.

I arrived safely, covering 34km in just over 4 hours.
My singlet caused arm chaffing, but other than that I faired pretty well.
Run to Paradise is feeling much more achievable.
Top: Operation Move
Bottoms: Boody Motivate Shorts
Bra: Panache Sports
Undies: Boody
Socks: Skin Compression
Shoes: Saucony Kinvara 10’s
Fuel: Water, Tailwind, huck nutrition, Goulburn Valley fruit pouch, lollies, caramel violet crumble
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