Back at the start of the year, I made a list of Goals that I wanted to achieve.
I’m no stranger to setting goals, I do them every year.
This year was a little bit different taking the concept of 18 for 18 from the Happier Podcast.
Since half the year has passed, I thought it would be time to check in on how those goals are going.
Blue – Complete
Yellow – Work in progress
Red – Still hasn’t happened

.1. Read 40 books
I’m currently on book 17, which means that I am behind schedule.
I know I will get there, but I may fall short.
You can see my completed books here on Goodreads.
.2. Listen to 20 books
Doing better with the audiobooks and currently on book 10.
I’ve been listening to them while on my long runs.
Listening to them at 1 1/2 speed also means that a 9-hour book is done in 6 hours.
.3. Finish Kayla’s Watermelon poncho
It is done, and she loves it.
The added bonus is the seeds cover up my mistakes. Winning.
.4. Finish my 2017 training blanket
This took way longer than I would have liked and I used way more wool than I thought I would.
Due to the size of the blanket, I had to do it in 2 parts. So now I have two 6 months’ blankets.
One thing is for sure. I will NEVER be making another blanket (unless it’s for a baby), again.

.5. Start & Finish my Crochet Wrap
This too is also done, but it’s too small, and Kayla has now claimed it.
I will make another one, but with all the leftover wool I have from the blanket.
.6. Try 18 new recipes & blog about it
This is still a work in progress. I have to retest quite a few recipes, but you shall see more in the coming weeks and months.
.7. Start building the house
Oh, dear, I have no idea what is happening with this one. It’s just a slow process.
The shed has been moved, so that is a start. Next is the garage. Once that is up and running then the build will happen.
.8. Run 1900km
At the time of writing this post, I was just shy of 1,000km. My ultimate goal is 2018 for 2018.
If I keep running the way I am, then I will not only smash 1900km I will get my 2018 as well.
.9. Run a half marathon in 1h45m
I achieved this one in Canberra, with a PB of 1h43
.10. Find 18 Geocaches
Well, apparently we have already found 21 caches this year, way more than I thought.
We don’t get to cache as often as we would like. It’s also hit-and-miss with the kids. They have a love-hate relationship with geocaching.
.11. Finish Chalene Extreme
I really love this program, and I’m glad I decided to use it as my cross-training tool. It did take me longer to finish than I would have liked, as life got in the way. At least I know that if I plan for 3, I will get 2 workouts done.
.12. Complete a cycle of PIIT28
I’ve started this. Woohoo. It will take me longer than 28 days, but then again I’m not doing it every day.
.13. Complete True Yoga
I finished this a few weeks ago, and I loved it.
If you are a beginner to the yoga practice you will love this series. It’s gentle and great for the body and soul.
.14. Create an 18 in 18 inspiration for Instagram & blog
I’m still gathering my quotes. The others are ready to go, but I won’t release it until I have all 18.
.15. Use and complete a polar training plan
A big fat red on this one.
I should have used it for the goal I’ve set currently, which is for the 10k distance.
Instead, I’m currently using an Operation Move one.
May consider it for a trial event I’ve just entered. Will investigate it further.
.16. Go to a parkrun you haven’t been to before.
Another red. Parkrun just doesn’t happen as often as I would like.
.17. Run 5 Parkruns
While there is a parkrun in Ararat, that still have not visited it yet. The fact that it’s a 4-lap course I find really unappealing.
I’m more likely to visit parkrun when I go visit my parents. Which I shall do the next time I’m in Melbourne.
You can see why I set such a low goal with this one.
.18. Complete the barefoot running e-course.
I’m about 1/3 of the way through. I just don’t get as much time to do this as I would like.
So, that’s where I am with my 18 for 18.
- 7 Done
- 7 A work in progress
- 4 Incomplete
I say that’s a pretty good effort.
We shall check in again in 3 months’ time for another update.