This motivation series “18 for 18”, has been a project I have been working on throughout the year.
In fact, it is one of my 18 for 18 projects/goals.
Personal Grown in 2018

2018 has unintentionally been a year of personal growth and personal development. I didn’t set out at the start of the year saying to myself “I want to become a better person”. It was one of those things that happened gradually.
I guess you could say it all started with listening to podcasts.
Every Monday I line up (now 18 – yes might as well keep the theme going) 18 podcasts that I will listen to that week.
These podcasts vary from running, fitness, crime and of personal development.
There would be moments while listening to these podcasts where something was said and it spoke to me. I wrote them down and let them develop over time.
That’s how this 18 for 2018 Motivation series came about.
Each Monday for the next 18 weeks, I will bring you the thoughts, idea or quote’s that I have come across and along the way, I will tell you how these thoughts have helped shaped and motivate me in my journey that we call life.
My aim with this series is to share with you insights into my life, success, and happiness.
Hopefully, these thoughts spark a fire in your belly, heart, and mind and get you to look at all aspects of your life with a little more love and kindness.
Remember always to dream big, be not afraid of greatness and do all things with love.
If this motivation series inspires you, then please it with your family and friends.