Goals: 18 in 2018

Every year I make a list of goals, and 2018 is no exception.

Goals are a thing that can be set at any time.  Not just on January 1st.

This year I’ve decided to take on a different aspect of my goals and follow the 18 for 2018.

This comes from listening to the Podcast Happier (ep 147).

The idea is simple, instead of having 1 scary goal/resolution, you have 18 small simple attainable goals.

My list of goals wouldn’t goals if I didn’t have something scary on there. Go big or go home.

18 Goals for 2018

  1. Read 40 books
  2. Listen to 20 books
  3. Finish Kayla’s Watermelon poncho
  4. Finish my 2017 training blanket
  5. Start & Finish my crochet wrap
  6. Try 18 new recipes & blog about it
  7. Start building the house
  8. Run 1900km
  9. Run a half marathon in 1h45m
  10. Find 18 Geocaches
  11. Finish Chalean Extreme
  12. Complete a cycle of PIIT28
  13. Complete True Yoga
  14. Create and 18 in 18 inspiration series for Instagram & my blog
  15. Use and complete a polar training plan
  16. Go to a parkrun you haven’t been to before
  17. Run 5 parkruns
  18. Complete the barefoot running ecourse.

I struggled to find 18, I even borrowed some I liked from the podcast.

Trying new recipes is one that I borrowed from the podcast. I figured I will keep with the 18 themes and try 18 new recipes.

It also would be a challenge if I couldn’t keep myself accountable (obliger here).  So blogging about it means that I have to do it because I couldn’t let my RunMum family down.

Here is to a year of new challenges! and Goal smashing.

What goals have you set for yourself in 2018?

6 thoughts on “Goals: 18 in 2018”

  1. Pingback: High Five Friday #55 - Run Mum

  2. Pingback: Mid Year 18 for 18 Check in - Run Mum

  3. Pingback: 18 Random Things About Me - Run Mum

  4. Pingback: High Five Friday #55 - Matilda Iglesias

  5. Pingback: Mid Year 18 for 18 Check in - Matilda Iglesias

  6. Pingback: 18 Random Things About Me - Matilda Iglesias

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