High Five Friday #47

Friday is the beginning of my weekend.  Yay!

I know it’s been a while since I have done a High Five Friday.  That happens when life gets in the way of blogging.

I do what I can when I can. Such is life.

Five Pictures

.1. & .3. Hiking up to Mt Zero with the Kids.

.2. Just another summers sunset

.4. One of the school activities I found on the wall from Miles.

.5. Kayla on swimming sports day.  She had fun and gave her best.

Five Things

.1. Sunscreen

While working the close on Sunday a few weeks ago, this song came on the music system.

This song is now 20 years old, as was released the year I graduated from High School.

Needless to say, I needed to hear this song.

.2. Race Predictor

Autumn means it’s the beginning of race season.  This handy website will predict what time you will finish your event.  Just put in your details and it predicts the rest.

.3. Yoga Poses for tight hips

I found this one on Do You Yoga, and all I can say is Poses 3,4&6 features heavily in my training program.

.4. Running Shoes

This article found on Breaking Muscles, states that modern running shoes are bad.  At the end of the day, you get the shoe that works for you.

I know from personal experience a neutral shoe works better for me than a stability shoe.

.5. We all need a laugh

These cartoons, are cute, and quirky and will put a smile on your dial.

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