Virtual Coffee Date #4

It’s time for our coffee/tea/hot chocolate /chai date.

Can you believe that a month has flown by? Like seriously where is this year going?  I’m looking forward to the warmer weather that’s for sure (I’m in Australia if you didn’t already know).

I’m totally enjoying teas at the moment, so sit down and enjoy your drink and I will tell you:


July was the month I got my mojo back.  And it was glorious!

You have no idea how awesome it is to be back to full health! Don’t take for granted your health peeps.  Rest is important and vital for recovery.

Doing a Whole15 assisted me in more ways than I could have thought.  It was the clean-up that I needed.  I also enjoy the cooking exploration in the kitchen.

July was also the month for reading.
I ended up reading a total of 9 books, and well and truly going to smash my 60 books for the goal at this rate (providing circumstances haven’t changed).


I’m participating in the #100happydays project.
You can read more about it here.
So far so good.  I’m enjoying finding moments that make me happy.

If we were sitting down for coffee, what would you tell me?

18 thoughts on “Virtual Coffee Date #4”

  1. Rest is always important so I don’t know why we feel guilty about it! I am starting August with a new training plan- time for me to kick it up a notch! Have a great weekend!

  2. Lynda@fitnessmomwinecountry

    Congrats on getting your running mojo back. I hear you sister, I am in love with running all over again also 🙂

  3. Jennifer Pug Pug

    Well, as it happens, I am enjoying a lovely iced coffee right now, so this works out perfectly. I love that you got your mojo back. Your face says it all. I have been reading a lot, but running around like a chicken with its head cut off: lots of home projects and DIYs, and plans. It’s fun, but I’m kind of ready for school to start back up so things can quiet down and get back in a routine.

  4. I’ll have to check out the #100happydays. I have a happy moment blog that I’ve been recording a happy moment a day since 1/1/13. It’s been great! Congrats on getting your mojo back. That’s always exiting!!

    1. You should check out the #100happydays hashtag on twitter and instagram, I love seeing what makes others happy.
      I’ll have to check out your blog, can you shoot me the link? TIA

  5. 100 days of happy is on my to-do list. Love the idea! Yay for mojo and back to being healthy! I have the mojo back and now almost back to 100% healthy! Thanks for meeting me for coffee 🙂

  6. Grab Your Kicks

    I take it the Whole15 is like the Whole30 but shorter? Such a great way to “reset” and really think about eating whole foods.

    1. I didn’t want to commit to the full 30 days, but 15 days I could. Still applying the whole30 rules, but just for 15 days instead.
      It was the reset I needed that’s for sure.

  7. Wait, that was quick! You’ve finished your 15 days of whole30 already?! Lol glad it did what you wanted it to! I have ten days to go now but I’m thoroughly enjoying it!

    And congrats on getting your running mojo back! If you see mine hanging around please point it in my direction! Haha! 😉 x

    1. I didn’t do a full whole30, I just decided to do half of it, hence 15 days.
      I might do a full 30 days sometime later in the year.
      I’ll keep you posted on if i find your mojo.

  8. Congrats on getting back your mojo!! July was the opposite for me, I lost mine! Hope it’s back soon. Any books you would recommend from all the your reading lately? I’m in a reading group and we’re devouring The Book Thief right now. Such an interesting read. Have a great weekend!

    1. If I see your mojo I will let you know.
      I was a bit disappointed with the book thief, but maybe that was just me.
      I’m on goodreads, and I usually do reviews on 90% of my books. Check out the icon up the top and it will send you over there.

  9. I am thrilled you have your Mojo back! You’ve had a lot of fun races and with a win to boot I am so happy your are back to full health and enjoying your active lifestyle!
    Pretty awesome about your 9 books! We get along perfectly because I am pretty much right there with ya! Speaking of books, because I believe you told me you loved the Shiver series by Maggie Stievater. Well she has a new book SINNER it is our chance to find out how bad boy Cole turns out:) I just started it today, and so far its great! Thought I’d pass the news on since you enjoyed the original series, I actually didn’t even know it was out but a friend of mine found it and read it first and told me it’s a must read:)

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