So I’m writing this while unwell.
Yep, that’s right I’m sick with tonsillitis. I’ve had it for a week now and am just so very over it.
I have had to stop all exercises, running, lifting weights, asylum, you name it, all of it. I’m on the sideline with zero energy.
The last time I did some exercise was Saturday the 12th of April, when I went for a 60min run. My right shoulder was a bit achy which I thought was a bit odd, but otherwise, I was feeling great. The next day I woke up with a killer sore throat. When it didn’t disappear by Wednesday I took myself to the doc to confirm what I already knew. Tonsillitis.
A week later (Saturday) I walked up the street to place a few orders, drop off some library books, went to the op shop (thrift store), and picked up a bag of clothes (including a beautiful electric blue French Connection top all for $5). By the time I sat down for lunch I was miserable. I had a temperature and just was plain miserable.
I then thought to myself well there goes my April Goal of running 100km for the month.
Then I thought “where do you draw the line when it comes to your wellness over your goals”?

Yes, I have goals that I want to achieve, not only for the month of April but goals that I have in May (Spartan Race), and the rest of the year (like running 1000km in 2014).
Yes being sick sucks. Yet my health is also important to me. There is no point working myself into the ground when I’m not completely better. That would not only be unwise, stupid, and silly, and would cause me to get an injury, which I wouldn’t want.
Then a friend said to me the other day:
Whenever I’m sick, I try to remember what it felt like to be well. Now, when I’m well, I take note so I can remember when I’m sick.
And ain’t that the truth?
Right now my focus is to get better. My energy will return to me in due time.
What do you do to make yourself feel better when you are sick?
Have you ever been sidelined from a race/event because you’ve been ill?
I hope you start feeling better soon! I’ve had an annoying cough for almost 2 weeks now but I have no other symptoms so I’m doing what I’m usually doing. In general I don’t get sick very often, maybe for a day or two once every winter. When that does happen I’m usually totally lost though as it’s such an alien feeling 😐
Hope you get over the illness soon and can get back to doing life as you love to do it!
When I am running lots I get sick lots too, one of the hardest things is running a race sick, I don’t enjoy it but I’ve had to do it more times than I like to admit:) Feel better!
feeling much better, sinus’s aren’t so congested which is a good thing.
Going to go for a 2 mi run today, just going to take it slow and easy.