Attention all my Australia Readers/Followers!
Did you know I have a Giveaway going?
Click here to enter.
This Giveaway is now closed.
For all my Overseas readers, I’d like to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you had a fantastic day.
Did you do a Turkey Trot? If you did I wanna know about it, post a link of your race in the comments.
So here we are in December! The start of Summer (or winter for some). The days will be warming up (yay finally), and the year is closing in on us.
November is over. Another month is done and dusted! I know I say it every month, but wow! this year just seems to be flying by!
So what did November bring for me?
Well first off it meant completing my Run 1000km running goal. Yay! *insert happy dance here* Will I reach 1100km? Quite possibly but we will find out in due time.
So here is the breakdown, for all the statistic nerds out there that love data *puts hand up as yes she is one of them*
January – 83.7km
February – 89.3km
March – 110.14km
April – 113.41km
May – 79.93km
June – 106.40km
July – 93.64km
August – 87.13km
September – 100.34km
October – 72.30km
November – 92.18km
Year to Date: 1028.47km | 642.80mi
Year to Date: 1028.47km | 642.80mi

So compared to October I ran 20 more kilometers, which I’m very happy about. I finally felt like I got back into the running groove. Getting some decent long runs in helped too.
I will admit I am actually missing the social aspect of the running club. Running with other people really helps me to push myself that little bit more.
With it now being ‘officially’ Summer here in Australia, there are no races to motivate me.
So what do you do when you have nothing to motivate you?

That’s right, you be your own motivator. So I’m setting myself some mini goals.
For December I will like to do the following (in no particular order):
- Run a minimum of 3 days a week
- Cover 80km in the month (as this will bring me to 1100 running total for the year)
- Have 4 long runs over 60mins
- Have 3 hill training sessions
- Run on Christmas Day
There, I put it out there, now YOU have to keep ME accountable.
What are your plans for the holidays?
Have you ever ran on Christmas day?
What has been your recent motivator?