After a bye last week, it was nice to have the regularity of a club run. This week’s race was held up in Horsham along the river. The course was not the same as last year, due to work on the bridge. Either way, the course was flat, which means fast, but you never know with Horsham, as the wind does tend to creep up when you least expect it.
I was not too sure how I was going to run in this race for a few reasons.
- I had not run since Monday
- I got food poison Monday night and well had an unscheduled rest week
- I ended Whole30, and I re-introduced dairy into my life
Food poisoning can take more out of you than you think, and I had a feeling that I properly wouldn’t be performing at my absolute best, but I was ok with that, at least I was out there running.
On the last day of winter, the weather was spectacular. Doesn’t the sun just make you happy?!
As this was a championship run we all started off together.
We had to walk about 400m to the start line, but the finish was at the rowing shed.
I set a new 5km PB at 22:43, shaving off 1 sec from my last win a few weeks ago (you can read it here). Considering the week I had, I will take it. Hopefully the next time I run this I will be feeling better.

I tell you what, it’s nice to be running in shorts again. I do however need to get myself some more shorts, my otherwise are now too big. First-world running problems I know 😛