19 In 2019: The Outcome

At the start of the year, I set a challenge or goals of sort for the year, you can read more here >> Smash: 19 in 2019.

Since 2019 is coming to an end, it’s time to check in with how my list of goals and challenges went for 2019.

.1. Run the year – 2019km

Considering that I had about 6 weeks off due to a random foot injury, I’m still unsure if I will complete this goal.  It will be close.  Very close, and it will come down to the wire.

At the time of writing this post, I had 145km left to go for the month.

If the injury didn’t happen, I would have already completed this goal.

.2. Run UTA22

Ultra-Trail Australia has been on my running bucket list since I first heard about it 5 years ago.

Snagging an entry into the 22, I’m so happy to tick this one off the list but would love to return to take on the 50.

Read my UTA here >> UTA22

.3. Run my first Ultra – Surf Coast Century (50k)

On Saturday the 21st of September 2019, after months of blood sweat and tears, I became an Ultra Runner.

It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my running life, but I loved it and am so proud of my achievement.

Finishing in a time of 7h36m10s Surf Coast will always have a place in my heart.

Read my full race recap here >> Surf Coast Century 50k

.4. Run from Jimmy Creek to Mt William

Having run from Mt William to Jimmy Creek I was looking forward to doing a training run for Surf Coast.

Unfortunately due to a polar vortex the weekend I had planned to complete it I never got to complete this item.

However, the mountains will always be there, and one day I will cross this one off the list.

.5. Run from Zummustiens to Halls Gap

While searching for training runs to do in the Grampians to prepare me for UTA, Tom suggested running from Zummustiens to Halls Gap.

After consulting the maps, and working out the distance we worked out that this would be the perfect long run.

Being point-to-point, I had to get dropped off and then I would run back in.

This run had everything and certainly got me race-ready.

.6. Read/Listen 40 books

Goodreads has me having completed this, however, due to 2 on that list being “unfinished” my count is on book 39.

I am reading my 40th book at the moment “Just One Kiss”.

I also have the last instalment to the Rosie Project: the Rosie Result being delivered to my borrow box on the 17th of December.  I’m very much looking forward to this audiobook.

.7. Magic Mile Retest

Competed on the 5th of February, it wasn’t my best but it was a good benchmark all the same.

I intended to do the test again to compare.

Yeah, that hasn’t happened…. yet.

.8. Beep test

Big fat no on this one.

It just means I get to add it to the 2020 list.

.9. Build Shed

There is still no electricity to it (it will eventually happen), the bulk of it is done.

.10. Build House

Everything was going to plan, and then due to the operations model restructure at my work (Woolworths). Everything house-related got put on hold indefinitely.

Maybe 2020 will be the build-house year.

.11. Create a custom perfume

Hosted by Re Wild Co. I created not only a custom perfume but a summer and winter blend, with materials to make more blends in the future.

.12 Yearly photography project – 53 Tuesdays

This project has pushed me to get created.  Being restricted to a Tuesday is challenging.  Having missed 2 or 3 Tuesdays, I consider it a success.

I’m still undecided about what type of photography challenge I will take up for 2020.  If you have any idea do let me know.

.13. Create a 2019 Running Playlist

Aptly named “Smash” to coincide with my 2019 theme, this playlist morphed into something I wasn’t expecting.  It’s a collection of songs where the beat, rhythm, and lyrics collide to make it a smashing playlist.

.14. Visit Lerdergerd

It didn’t happen in 2019. ☹️

.15. Visit Werribee Gorge

This one didn’t happen either 🤨

.16. Visit Hanging Rock

Big fat NO, on this one too. 🙄

.17. Visit Mt Eccles

Er… nothing to see here… Literally. Boo. 😥

.18. Visit a Parkrun I haven’t Been to Before

Can you believe it I still haven’t been to our local parkruns in Ararat and Horsham.   Ok so they aren’t exactly “local”, yet I manage to get to Altona Parkrun of all places!

.19. ReBrand

I’ve been RunMum for a while, and I’ll RunMum will always be a part of me. But, people know me as me (Matilda), which is why I’ve been working on a rebrand.

It’s been slow going, doing drips and drabs here and there.

Change is inevitable, and I still want this to be a place for me to express who I am and talk about my experiences and all the things I love.

Stay tuned for the 2020 list!

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