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When I decided to start running I never had any structured program or plan to follow. It was pretty much, run to that tree/bin/pole/car, walk and try again. I had no idea there were programs that you could follow to get to 5k. Let alone own a GPS or use an app. I was totally free-balling.
If I had known about such things, I may have used them. All I know is that I had a goal. A goal to run 5k non-stop. My training was sporadic, unstructured and unconventional. In other words, I had no idea what I was doing.
Besides my mum, I didn’t know anyone that used to run for fun. Sure I could have asked Mum how she started, but I never thought to.

When Kayla decided she wanted to get a little more serious about her running we decided together to embark on a learn to run 5k adventure.
I knew she could comfortably run 1km, and run 3k in the fartlek fashion.
Sure I could have chosen a free generic program to get her to the distance. Or we could have just continued running fartlek style. However, in my experience having a structured plan in place would mean she would be more motivated and consistent.
If I had a program like Learn to Run, my journey into the running world would have been completely different.
Now I know how important it is not only for your physical well-being but also for your mental health to have the support and community of like-minded individuals.
Which is why I’ve teamed up with the ladies at Operation Move. These ladies are my people.
While I don’t need to learn to run you may know someone who does. Whether it’s your daughter, sister, mum, best friend, aunt, niece or even yourself. We all have to start somewhere.
Let today be that day to try.
Remember magic happens outside your comfort zone.
While you may never run a marathon, or win an event, you’ll be winning at life with this program.

Want $29.70 off your Learn to Run plan? Of course, you do, use the code matilda, to claim your discount.