There were a lot of should of and could of with today’s photo.
I could have taken I photo this morning, but I wanted a sleep-in (rare), and to make sure the kids got themselves ready for school.
I should have taken a photo after I finished work, but I needed to get my run in. Which meant that by the time I finished, I had to get dinner ready.
While already in my pj’s ready to have a hot cup of tea it hit me, “Oh photo”.
I dragged out the tripod, dusted off my timer and wandered outside.
It just wasn’t meant to be. My timer was being a spaz, so I had to manually work the bulb setting and I was getting frustrated.
All up I took 6 shots, I settled on the last one. It’s ok, it’s now wow, but it’s done.
Tuesday #17

Location: Footpath, Stawell
Lens: 17-40mm
Focal Length: 30mm
F/stop: 8.0
Speed: 30s
ISO: 200