It got to the end of the week, and I realised I had not taken a photo.
So I took a photo of me on the couch, just of my legs, nothing special. But it was a photo of what my life had been like that week.
Well as my computer is dying a slow and painful death, I have not been able to process any photos, and have had to resort to Tom’s MAC and Lightroom (which I dislike, but will use in this circumstance).
Unfortunately, the photo I chose got deleted. Not by me, but by Tom who thought it was one of Miles’ junk photos, not knowing it was actually one of mine.
So instead of showing a photo of me relaxing on the couch, I’m showing a photo that was not taken by me, but by Tom instead.
Week 14 – Stawell Gift
It’s all happening at Central Park, with the preparations of the grounds in readiness for the Stawell Gift, which is run on the Easter long weekend.
This historic grandstand takes on mighty views of the grounds and is the place to be to watch all of the events occurring in the Gift.