March; Where’s it At?

March has certainly marched away from us. With Easter fast approaching it’s been a month of enjoying the last blast of Summer.

Autumn has positively hit us in the last week of March, with cooler mornings and glorious sun-shining days.

So let’s get to it with this month Where’s it

Wonderland – This seems to be the “it” word at the moment when it comes to music.

One of my all-time favourite groups Take That (yes teeny-bopper fan here), has released a new album called Wonderland.

I’ve been listening to this album for the last few days, and I’m really enjoying it.  It’s modern-day Take That with influences of The Beatles “Sargent Peppers”.  Which is an album I grew up listening to.  Needless to say, I’ve had it on repeat and may have been listening to their back catalogue as well.

Finish 52 – If you’ve been following me on Instagram you’ve noticed the WOD (workout of the day) I’ve been posting.

It all started because I wanted to build up some muscle again.  I’ve lost a lot of fitness due to work, lifestyle and injury.

To build up my strength again I’ve decided to concentrate on my technique and form.  The best way to do that is with bodyweight exercises.

With this App, I can create my own circuit workout using a deck of cards.

Super easy to use, you can get a killer workout done in 20-40 minutes.

Whole Life Challenge – I discovered this challenge after a friend posted the link in a Facebook group I’m in.

The challenge which is 8 weeks long starts in May.  I’m hoping it will keep me accountable, and give me the kick up the bum I need.

Weight – So why the app, and challenge? It all comes down to 4 measly kilograms I’ve stacked on due to being slack in my diet, and the lack of exercise while coming back from injury.

Lore – My new favourite Podcast.

I upgraded my phone and now have space (and lots of storage), so I can get back to listening to my podcasts.  Of course, there are the regular ones I listen to, but I wanted something new.

There were certain criteria it had to meet, but the main one was that it had to be no longer than 30 minutes.

Why this time frame?  I didn’t want to lose my interest and really have only 30-40 minutes of uninterrupted time a day.

I discovered this one while trying to find a podcast that was similar to Serial.  Lore has been out for 2 years already, but I’m listening to it from the very beginning, and I’m loving the stories behind the folklore.

Goodbye March, let’s see what April brings (besides a whole lot of chocolate.

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