I’ve been using the same words for this Where’s it at collection.
Today I’ve decided to go random, and see where it takes me.
Enjoyed: Visiting the family in Melbourne. Had a quiet celebration for my sister’s 40th.
Watched: Me before you at the cinemas with my sister. I have not been to the movies in a long time. I couldn’t even tell you what the last movie I saw on the big screen was.
It was refreshing to have a movie that fully represented the book. I think it helps when the author collaborates with the screenplay.
Disappointed: My trail run wasn’t really a trail run. You can read my review on it here.
Missed: Parent teachers interview. Oops. It wasn’t intentional. I had a reminder set up and everything.

But for some reason, Google DID NOT send me a notification reminder, to me or Tom. What gives Google?
Unsure: Of what TV show to watch next.
I finished season 4 of Orange is the new Black. I nearly gave up on this season, but then it turned good.
Please don’t suggest Game of Thrones, I have ZERO interest in that show (or books for that matter).
Reading: Orange is the new Black. I know it’s going to be different to the TV show, but it has been on my reading list for a while. At least this way I still get my orange fix.
Geocaching: This is the better version of Pokemon Go.
Why find ‘mythical’ creatures on your phone, when you can discover real treasures, all over the world, and right in your own backyard?
Tom and I went out to the Victoria Range for an exploration recently.

There was loads of bush bashing involved, but as you can see the overall experience outweighs all that.
I mention this because this spot has a Geocache.
Loving: My new Ultimate Directions Ultra Jacket.

Yes, it was an expensive purchase, but it will be something that I will have for a long time.
It is seriously the BEE’S KNEES! Keeps me warm and dry, but folds/stuffs into its pocket.
Weather: Has been seriously weird this July. Then again it is winter, and climate change is a real thing.
Lately, we have had snow, rain, wind and sun.
Saturday we had glorious sun and felt like spring, not winter.
The next day, the weatherman said it was going to be the same. HE LIED!
It was my long run day, and I dressed according to the weather, well it was just as well that I had my UD Jacket because I ended up using it, on my trail training run up to the Pinnacle.
There was no view up the Pinnacle, just fog.

Getting: Stronger and faster. All this trail running, and hill repeats are definitely making me faster.
Hoping: I hit my time goal for Peaks & Trails in 3 weeks.
Looking: At possibly full-time work. It will be a big change if I do go down that road.
Meeting: With the architect, Talina Edwards, was an eye-opening experience, and was exactly what we needed.
Rethinking: Our house design. Eventually, the house will be built.

Booking: A surveyor. Let’s get this build happening!
Listening: To Delta Goodrem’s new album “Wings of the Wild“. I’m really enjoying it.
Annoyed: That a client hasn’t paid me for a job done in June.
Eating: Pumpkin bread. Had a huge pumpkin that I needed to use, so pumpkin bread was made (along with soup), and it is delicious, especially with coffee (the bread that is not the soup).
If you had to pick a collection of words to describe what’s been happening in your life in July, what would you pick?
Love reading where’s it at. Such a good idea.
It’s different, but that’s what I like about it. (PS we need to get you a gravatar, remind me to do that for you when we catch up next time).