Top 5 RunMum Posts

This blog has come a long way from its humble beginnings of MKWAC (My Kids With A Camera) days.  That was back in October 2009..

Around August 2011 I transitioned from a blog on MyFitnessPal to a WordPress blog.  You can read that (which I imported) post here.

Things began to change in June 2012 when I started the Life of an Onion Girl blog. (All the posts from that blog have been imported here on RunMum.)

On March 23rd 2013, RunMum was born, and that’s when this blog officially started.

In that time frame, I have written numerous blog posts, but let’s look over my top 5.

Top 5 RunMum Posts

.1. 100 Happy Days

Do you think you could be happy for 100 days straight?  The 100 Happy Days project I underwent has been my popular blog post thus far.

What I find interesting is that I hadn’t even partaken in the project yet.  You would think that my recap on the project would rank higher.  Alas no.

.2. Clear the plate – to-do list

I have the FitSwitch to thank for this blog post on Clear the plate – to do list.

FitSwitch has a weekly blog theme, and that particular week it was all about kept a to do list.

I love keeping to-do lists to achieve my goals.

.3. Salomon xt Wings Vest Review

2014 was the year I explored trail running more.

I really disliked my hydration belt for trail runs.  I had a hydration pack but it was ill-fitting for running in.

So I decided to invest in a new hydration pack. After doing some research I selected a couple of options. While in Melbourne one weekend I went into Bogong (a hiking store), and tried on an Ultimate Directions vest, which I thought I was going to love.  I ended up hating it.

The vest I thought I was going to hate was the Salomon XT Wings Vest. Oh, how wrong was I.  I found it extremely comfortable, and much more suited to my needs.

.4. Salomon Speedcross 3 Review

Considering I bought my trail shoes at the same time at my vest, I’m not surprised this one is my 4th most popular post.

.5. Briggs Bluff

I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered that my bushwalking post on Briggs Bluff came up in the top 5.

Just days later Briggs Bluff was up in flames.  That part of the park is still closed for evaluation, conversation and reconstruction.  I won’t be hiking up to Briggs Bluff for a few more years.

My Favourite 5 Posts

Just because those 5 posts are my most visited doesn’t mean they are my favourite.

Don’t get me wrong I love all the posts I write on here, but some stick out to me more than others.

.1. Running is my Triumph

One of my 2014 highlights was asked to write an article for The Glow.  I was given a topic and what I ended up with was “Running is my Triumph“.

Needless to say, RunMum wouldn’t exist if I didn’t overcome a lot of obstacles. So it’s safe to say running and Runmum are my Triumphs (besides the kids that is).

.2. 7 things all fit people do differently

Along with writing for The Glow, I also got to write an article for The Athlete’s Foot RunZone Blog.

I was asked the question, what do fit people do differently from everyday people? That’s how I ended up with the blog post “7 Things all Fit People do Differently“.

.3. Why it’s ok to fail

There is a big hype over why you should never quit.  But guess what, failure has a place, and we need to learn “why it’s ok to fail“.

.4. Committing a runner’s faux pas

We all know the rule “never try anything new on race day”.  Well, I totally smashed that rule, after forgetting my shoes for the Surf Coast Trail Marathon.  Who forgets shoes?! Yeah only me.

.5. One Fit Mother

A blogging friend of mine Kate interviewed me for her Blog “Fit Parents Australia”.

You can find the interview here.

I am and always be a Fit Parent, and if being fit and healthy rubs off on my kids (which it has), then my job is done.

Do you have a favourite RunMum post?
What’s your favourite post on your blog?

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