
The Not-So-Perfect Guide to Imperfectly Perfect Living

This isn’t a call to embrace chaos. Nobody wants a houseguest who forgets the concept of “inside voices” or a baker who “wings it” with the fire alarm blaring. But it is about letting go of the pressure to be flawless and instead celebrating our wonderfully messy selves. Let’s face it, folks: striving for perfection …

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The Unassuming Superpower: Why Asking “How?” Can Change Your Life

We all know the importance of asking questions. It’s a cornerstone of learning and growth. At some point in your life, you will be asking the question of Why? Now while the Why question is important in revealing your fundamental truth, there is one question that often gets overlooked. How, can I do that? This …

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Beyond the Finish Line: Why Races Are About the Journey, Not the Destination

We all love a good personal best (PB). That feeling of pushing your limits and seeing a new number on the clock is undeniably satisfying. But what if I told you that the true magic of races lies elsewhere, in the experience itself? The Race as a Celebration: Coming down the finish chute of the …

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Life Throws Curveballs: How to Adapt and Stay on Track with Your Fitness Goals

We’ve all been there. You meticulously plan your week, every workout session carefully scheduled, only to have life throw a curveball. Maybe it’s a work emergency, a sudden illness, or in my case this week, a gym unexpectedly closed for renovations. This morning, despite finishing a late shift the previous day, I dragged myself out …

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From Skinny to Strong: Why Comparison Steals My Running Joy (and Maybe Yours Too)

For over ten years, I’ve pounded the pavement, chased that runner’s high, and tackled everything from 5Ks to gruelling 50Ks. It’s been a journey, and one thing’s for sure: my body has transformed. Gone are the days of being “skinny and fast.” Now, I’m “solid but strong.” And let me tell you, it’s easy to …

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Ten Years and Two Feet: A Love Letter to My Running Feet

The sun peeks through the leaves, dappling the familiar path ahead. Ten years, countless kilometres, and many worn-down shoes later, it still amazes me how these feet carry me where my heart wants to go. My journey with running started with a spark – a tiny flame of competition that flickered with each passing finisher. …

Ten Years and Two Feet: A Love Letter to My Running Feet Read More »

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