April Running Stats


It’s safe to say that my stats for April are low.

I only ran 10 days out of a possible 30.  One day I would like to run for 30 consecutive days. April wasn’t that month though.

April was also ActiveApril month.  It was a government initiative to encourage to move, not just you but your kids too. I ended up clocking up about 18 hours of activity.  It would have been more if I didn’t get sick. Oh well, it happens.

I also discovered SmashRun.  It’s a website where you can sync your Garmin or nike+ details.  I like it.  I’m only using the free version, which is limited, but it gives options that the other sites don’t give.

april 2014 stats

At the start of the month, I had set a goal of running 100km. That changed when I missed at least 2 weeks of running. So I adjusted my goal to 60km. Which I got.

So here is the breakdown:
Jan – 71.12km
Feb – 94.94km
Mar – 95.24km
Apr – 68.52km
Total – 329.82km
To Go – 670.18km
Monthly Average – 82.445km

Goals for May?
Well, I have 2 events happening in May, and I’m excited about both.

  1. 12km Run The Gap
  2. Spartan Sprint. 7km / 20 obstacles.

The SAAC running season has also officially started. Yay!

My 1st race for the SAAC season was last week. You can read about it here. I look forward to the rest of the season.

So May will have lots of running. I’ve also signed up for the Surf Coast Trail Marathon, to do the half marathon event, but that’s not until the end of June.  I still need to train up and get the half marathon distance back into my legs.

I’m still going to aim for 100km in May.  Time to go out and crush it!

How did your running go in April?
Did you run any races?
Did you set any personal bests?

7 thoughts on “April Running Stats”

  1. Jennifer Pug Pug

    Oh, I love the look of that app. I’m going to check it out.

    April was low for me, too. I didn’t have any races planned I certainly didn’t set any bests. I was recovering from injury and I knew the end of April/beginning of May was going to be rough between birthdays and holidays.

    You’ve got May!

    1. Races sure help motivate you to get more miles in hey.
      Injuries suck, but better that they happen in a month with no races in it than a month with.
      Either way, we have lives, so enjoy the birthdays and the holidays cause guess what you deserve it.

  2. Woah every day in MAY!! You’re my idol, I don’t know if I’d have enough to say…wait no, I’d def have enough to say but not enough that ppl would actually wanna read lol

    1. I’m not too sure how I’m going to, I’ve had to print out the calendar for the month and jot down blog idea’s.
      I’m going to do some in advance cause I know that I might not be able to blog everyday otherwise.
      We’ll see either way. I’m hoping I last the distance. I just hope I don’t bore everyone to death.

  3. Good work! I got sick in April too 🙁 did not clock up half as many km as you! I clocked up just 12km! lol Am racing this weekend and the next though so that should kickstart my running for this month! good luck for May! 🙂

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