Early in the year, I set a goal for myself to run a half marathon.
After the success of Run for the kids in April, with the 5.2km dash, and then the success of running 11km at Run the Gap in Halls Gap, it feels like a given, then next step in my running journey is a half marathon.
Having lived in Melbourne for most of my life, it was obvious that Run Melbourne would be an event that I would complete.
I had always planned on doing RunMelbourne. I actually had my goal of doing the 10km at Run Melbourne, and then running my half marathon debut at the Melbourne Marathon Festival in October.
With the early bird cut off for Run Melbourne was the 15th June, I knew that if I wanted to bring my half marathon debut forward now was the time.
A few strokes on the keyboard, I was registered.

Looking at the calender and my training schedule, I knew that this was doable.
My goal for Run Melbourne is to finish. If this means walking so be it.
This is where I’m starting to freak out. Currently my average long run pace is 5:40 p/km. Race day however I could run faster or a lot slower.
The other thing I need to consider is that this is an unheard distance for me. Having now run a few more 10km distances, can I actually do this? It is a big jump.
At present all my long runs have been with 5:1 run/walk intervals, with 13km being the furthest I’ve ran.
Doubts are normal, I know that. It’s good to have scary goals, as they are the ones that challenge you, and change you.
I’ve got this.