The Power of Retrospect & Goals

Do you ever look at past events, and you can clearly see where you went wrong?

If we only knew then what we know now.

Making mistakes is a part of what makes us humans. As humans, we have the ability to change, to make a better version of ourselves. It means we can take those “what was I thinking” moments and see them for what they are and learn and grow from them.

It’s important to dream big. But it takes small steps to make those big dreams a reality.

While a lot of people like to set goals on the 1st of January, I say you can make them at any time of the year.

Recently I read an article on Nerd Fitness called “Is good enough really good enough?”

This article really spoke to me and helped me change my framework for setting goals.

The simple words “I have” made me change my goals from:

  1. Get to 65kg
  2. Run a 5km race in under 30 mins
  3. Earn $6,000 in my photography business
  4. Landscape my garden
  5. Get a garden shed
  6. Be the local birth photographer
  7. Have a studio space
  8. Learn and know how to speak Spanish
  9. Pay off my HECS debt

To something with more substance, which I will get to in just a moment.

When I first wrote these goals, I had no idea what I wanted out of my life. With the Power of Chalene Johnson and her free 30-day push program, I got the help to define my goals.

Photo by Designecologist from Pexels

2022 update: Chalene Johnson no longer offers this program, so I have removed the link. She has many other programs out there now, and let me tell you they are worth the investment.

HECS stands for Higher Education Contribution Scheme. It’s currently also known as HELP.

It allows students to get a university education.

PUSH, while a fitness-oriented program, the principles can be applied to all areas of your life.

This is how and why my goals have shifted and changed and what they are today is as follows:

  1. I am at my goal weight of 62kg (BMI 22)
  2. I have run a 10km race in 55 minutes
  3. I have finished a half marathon
  4. I have run and finished a half marathon
  5. I have finished a tough mudder challenge
  6. I am divorced
  7. I have read 24 books with my eyes
  8. I have a garden shed
  9. I have paid off my HECS
  10. I have weekly family fun days/nights

Notice the difference with the power words “I have/I am”.

By putting yourself in the mindset of already completing the tasks, gives you the confidence to do all things.

By setting goals and pushing yourself to get them (and the domino effect – push explains this), you get more confidence and you go from being ‘good enough to a ‘best of me’ version.

Be the best of yourself.

So… be your name  Kayla or Miles, or Bixy or Bray (yes I like to insert my kids names here)
or Modrecai Ali Van Allen O’Shea,
you’re off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.

(Thank you Dr.Seuss – Oh, the places you’ll go)

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