Book Review: The Good Sister

By Sally Hepworth

Hardcover: 309 pages
Mi Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ (4.5)

Twin sisters Rose and Fern not only shared a womb, they share an awful childhood memory but also a big secret.

Rose has been having not only marriage problems but fertility issues. Her therapist recommends that she starts a diary to pour out all her bottled feelings that she has been keeping since childhood.

We discover from her diary pages that something tragic happened with the kids were little. A boy drowned and it appears that Fern is responsible for the boy’s death and that Rose saved her sister from jail by convincing her to keep her mouth shut.

From the diaries’ point of view, we realise that their mother has sociopathic tendencies that target Rose, and that Rose has been mentally and physically abused by her.

The girls then get put into the foster care system, and we start to empathise with Rose on how adorable and protective she is to her sister Fern.

Then we read Fern’s parts.

Fern is different. She’s clearly on the autism spectrum with Asperger’s syndrome. She is sensitive to light, voices, and touch. If she has to attend a gathering you will find her wearing goggles and noise reduction headphones to help her with the sensory overload.

Fern is also a librarian, and extremely good at her job, even if she comes across as weird or awkward. She is one of a kind.

Because Rose is having fertility issues, Fern decides that she will get pregnant and give the baby to her sister.

Then she meets Rocco (who she calls Wally because she reminds him of Where’s Wally), at the library, and he is very much like her (he is also on the autism spectrum).

Her intention is to have sex with a stranger (Wally), and then give the baby to Rose.

As the story unfolds we start to question the sister’s intentions.

Mi 2021 Reading Challenge – Australian Author

Discovered this book on Booktok (aka TikTok).

When I noticed that my local library had this as an audiobook I decided to add it to my queue. Oh, boy it did not disappoint.

I absolutely loved Fern’s character, and the relationship she has with Wally, oh made me go aww.

A gripping story from beginning to end you won’t be able to put this one down.

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