Here’s Novembers collection of words.
Injury – Caused by a coughing fit.
Downgrade – My Afterglow race, which I wasn’t really happy about but I knew it was for the best.

A full review will be posted soon.
Rehab – To get me stronger, so I can get back out there running.
Changing – My Gold Rush entry to volunteer status instead.
Reading – New Moon. Forgot how much I prefer Jacob over Edward.
Unimpressed – with Rexona. They give 10g less stick deodorant to women than they do the men. I think I’ll start using the men’s version instead.
Miss – Exercising. Both the weights and the cardio. Sure I have the exercises that I have to do for my rehab, but it’s not the same.
Eating – The same amount, even without exercise.
Weight – I may have put on a few kilos. This happens when you don’t exercise.

Attended – My daughter’s ballet recital, and so impressed with how her dancing has come along. She looks so grown up.
Organising – Kayla’s 10th birthday. She’s going to be 10! When did this happen?! OMG I’ve been a parent for a decade. I feel so old.
Listening – To the Veronica’s. Gez I forgot how awesome this Aussie duo are. Totally love the song “on your side“.
Growing – So many awesome veggies in the garden. Our sugar snap peas are being harvested, and they are so crunchy.
Over – Christmas carols, over the PA at work. It’s just going to increase coming into December.
What words would you use to describe your November?