High Five Friday #34

How is it Friday again?  It feels like only yesterday that I posted my High Five Friday post, not two weeks ago.

Easter will be here before we know it.

I say this because yesterday I succumb and bought hot cross buns (of the salted caramel variety).

Five Pictures

  1. While tidying up the other day I found this book.  I bought it when I was in Canada back in 2001!  Has some great recipes in there.  Made a cleaning spray the other day, and works a treat.
  2. Kayla at her swimming sports.  She did so well.  Ended with 4 first ribbons, and third & fourth ribbons as well.
    She was completely exhausted by the end of the day and ended up having to have a nana nap the following day. Very unlikely her.
  3. Kayla is super cute playing hide and seek with Tom
  4. Downhill finish for the Bellarine Sunset Run.
  5. Miles with his Gymnastic for most improved (for 2015)

Five Things

  1. Having Fear is normal, but stop letting fear hold you back
  2. 12 Short Movies you can watch in one go.
    I haven’t watched all of them, but have tissues handy for some of them.
  3. In the newspaper the other day I read about a woman who decided to buy nothing new (not even from the op shop) for a whole year!
    I’m not too sure I could do it for a whole year, but I might have to challenge myself to do it for a month.
  4. Injured? Know that it’s not the end.
    Ways to get past an injury.
  5. Love is spoken in many different ways, it’s in the little things.


One from the archives, around this day, 3 years ago we had: Roast Turkey Casserole

Funnily enough, I made this the other day (because I hadn’t made it for a while).  Kids still love it.

2 thoughts on “High Five Friday #34”

  1. Yum carmel hot cross buns, if those are what I am thinking they are (we call them sticky buns here, LOL) those are just fabulous, it’s been far too long since I had one, LOL
    No shopping for anything new for a year? Wow, hmmm not sure if I could do that either, just with running shoe shopping alone. But I like the idea! I have a friend who is a bargain shopper she hits up thrift stores and finds these awesome buys and fixes and dressed them up then sells them, she’s made quite the business out of it. She’s the only person I know who could probably do the whole not buy a new thing for a year either thing, LOL

    1. Sticky buns are way better, these ones weren’t all that sticky. And upon closer inspection they were date & caramel. Nice but forgettable (if that makes sense).

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