3 Ways to Take a Break

We all need a timeout.

Ok, not that type of timeout, unless you do love this delicious Cadbury bar.

I mean a moment to just relax and do nothing, have no responsibilities, whether it’s just for 5 minutes, an hour or even a whole day.

We all need to recharge. To feel normal again, but most importantly to remember who we are.

What do you do to relax?

Here are my 3 ways I like to take a break.

.1. Read

Last year I read 65 books. So there is no denying I love a good book.

Reading has the ability to take you to another place and time. Yet you haven’t left your chair, couch or bed.

I love it when I book leaves me “omg no way that just did not happen” state.  If you are a reader you will so totally know what I saying here.  It’s those types of books that I will give 5 stars too.

Reading helps improve knowledge and memory.  I recently came across this great article about the benefits of reading.

Did you know that if you read for 10 minutes everyday you could read 50+ books in a year.

I know reading isn’t for everyone, but I love it.

.2. Mind Games

I invested in an iPad for cookbooks.  It saved me printing off a whole heap of recipes, and storing them on the bookshelf.

But what’s the point of having an iPad if there are not games.  And yes there are games on my iPad.  Games like Frozen Freefall, and unblock me and 2048.

Sometimes I will spend half an hour playing these games, sometimes less. I play them because I enjoy them and they work a different part of my brain.

They are also fun.

.3. Walking

Tom and I will go for walks regularly.

Halls Gap-Bushwalking

Sometimes locally, in Stawell, other times we will drive to the Grampians and go for an explore there.

There is something about being in nature that is relaxing.  I think the company also helps.

We will talk about anything and everything, and somethings nothing at all.

Walking is a mood changer in a good way.

So there you have it, my 3 ways of taking a break.

What’s your way favourite way to relax?

3 thoughts on “3 Ways to Take a Break”

  1. My time out is scrapbooking. But that’s my complete desire to get our stories down and I find it very therapeutic too. Scrapbooking digitally on photoshop, I don’t have time for glue and scissors!! ha

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