If you are expecting a race recap from yesterday’s Tough Mudder event, well hold your horses because it is coming, I need to recover first. In the meantime enjoy this post about our bushwalking adventure to Silverband Falls.
Early in the day, I was dropped off at Tunnel Road so I could do my Bellfield Fireline run, while the kids travelled into Halls Gap. Once I got home and had a hot shower and something to eat the kids were of course bored.
By now it had stopped raining so we decided to strike while the iron is hot and go for a walk, and get those kids to burn some energy.
We decided on Silverband Falls because with the rain that we were having it was sure to be flowing.
Miles protested “no I don’t want to go”. Yep, we are still at that stage. It’s frustrating, but such is life. But mums know best, and I knew he was going to have a good time.
After a short drive, we headed to the Silverband Falls Car park. Once there Miles charged ahead. There was no stopping him now.

Can you see that small yellow blip on the path? Yeah, that’s him. Not so depressed and bored. He was in his element now.
The walk to the falls is perfect for young kids, it’s short enough that they don’t get tired and interesting enough to keep them entertained.

See, water! I don’t think I have seen water in Silverband for a long time. It was nice to see it flowing again.
The kids had a great time exploring the rocks and the river beds.

So going back to the boy who “I don’t want to go”, well he had a great time, so much so that he didn’t want to leave. Until of course, he fell over while running back to the car and then the tears started.
Did you ever go bushwalking as a kid?
Have you taken your kids bushwalking?
Ever been injured while out hiking?
How fun! I haven’t been hiking in a few years. I’m afraid to take my daughter, I know she would love it but she’s not fully aware of danger yet.
You’d be surprised, give it a go I’d bet she’d loved it.