Day in the Life

So I’m cruising my posts on Bloglovin and coming across this one by Jill Conyers.  I thought what a great idea, I shall have a play.  I was able to participate in the link-up, as I was on holiday at the time and it was just not on my list of priorities.

However I’m back home and in a normal routine, so I thought it would be time to give it a go.


Day in the Life – 15th October 2013

My day started off at 6:45 am when the (silent) alarm goes off.  I forgot to take a photo of breakfast, oh well.  I had leftovers burritos (no bread), then a kiwi fruit, and some homemade yogurt.

I had to decide on what to wear.  It was a bit cool.  So I decided on the following.


Then it was a matter of making lunches, and getting the kids organised for school.


After dropping Kayla off at school, Miles and I rode to Kinda.  It’s normally a 10-15min bike ride with him, but this time it took 25mins! He had to stop every 100m to blow his nose.  Oh, it was painfully slow, but there was not much I could do about it. We would get there – eventually.

When I got home, I changed into my yoga gear and decided to get my yoga on.  I had planned on going for a short 3km run and then doing my yoga.  However I helped out at Kinda, and that took longer than I thought, and I still wanted to have time to do the HealthyWayMag chat on Twitter, and I also had to run some errands up the street.
So I ditched to run, I figured I have a run on Saturday I’ll save my legs, and walk up the street later.

Yoga was great, just what I needed.

2013-10-15 17.09.26

After a quick shower, I jumped onto Twitter for the HealthyWayMag chat.  Before that even started I was floored when I saw that Melissa & Dallas Hartwig of Whole30 retweeted me! Like, say what!

And it got retweeted 3 times! Like seriously! That made my day.

I didn’t get a chance to do the whole HealthyWayMag chat but I had some good convos and helped a couple of people out, and that’s what it’s all about.

While up the street, I borrowed a book from the library (cause I don’t have enough to read apparently.  That isn’t the case, the book I’m reading at the moment isn’t the tone I’m after).


When I got home I had to decide what to have for lunch.  I decided on a frittata.

The eggplant is still giving me problems.  I’m not surprised it is a part of the nightshade family, as is capsicum, which I already knew gives me problems. Either way, I made enough of the frittata for 3 servings (including lunch).  The spinach salad that I had with it totally rocked.

Then it was time to pick up Miles from Kinda. So back on the bike to head out to get him.

We made a pit stop at (great) Nana’s house, as she lives around the corner from Kinda, so Miles could get his hit of banana lollies. He got a new jumper from his Nana.  He loves his wooly jumpers.

Once home it was a quick rest, get dinner organised (meatloaf), and then pick up Kayla from school.


The afternoon saw us at the pool for Kayla’s swimming lessons.

Once we got home we had dinner, got homework & showers done. Then story time.


I was popped.  Crawled into bed around 9 pm and I got to read my book.

Yes, this is the book I got from the Library.  Which I’m enjoying much more than the other ‘serious’ book I was reading.

So that was my day.

Got Questions? Ask me in the comments.

2 thoughts on “Day in the Life”

  1. For some reason this was in my “Spam” folder, why I have no idea.
    Anyway, The Wtiches is a really easy fun read. For a kids book, it’s well written, but that’s Roald Dahl for you.

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