So it’s Mother’s Day here in Australia.
And although I didn’t participate in the Mothers Day Classic I still had a great time with my family.
While chill-axing I was cruising Facebook and saw this, which I of course had to tweet about.
Thank you @theage and @runmelbourne for unintentionally representing my blog 😀 #runmum #runchat #runningbloggers…
— Matilda Iglesias (@MatildaIglesias) May 12, 2013
And of course I have to blog about it too 😀 *does happy dance* I highly doubt that The Age new that there was a RunMum Blog out there. But if I can get new readers/followers, then win win for me.
If you are a mum you rock, and if you run you double rock.
Hope all the mums out there had a day filled of love.