Ultimate Running Date #38

It’s time to lace up those shoes and catch up on all things running-related, as the ultimate running date has come around again.

Wow, July was a massive month of running.

July saw the core of my training preparations for Peaks & Trails. I only missed 1 training run and that was due to seriously foul weather.

5km, was the flavour of the month for the running club in July.

It all started off with the S&K Watson, an event that has always been a favourite of mine, as I have received a club placing for this race in the last few years, this year was no exception.

Pipped by Tom I came in 3rd.  But I was ok with that, as somehow during the run, 4 runners went off course.  How? I’m not too sure, as it was well-marked.

My goal for was to run a negative split, which I did in a time of 23:05.

The kids haven’t been doing much running this season, family commitments and other events have meant they have only been to 2 events.

One of those was the S&K Watson.

Kayla ran really well and has run her fastest 1km, in a long time.  Coming 2nd in handicap with a race time of 4:52.

Miles, on the other hand, is consistent, to say the least.  Starts off slow, and finishes fast.  He gives it a crack, but I think goes way too slow at the start.

He gives it a crack, but I think goes too slow at the start.  Might have to coach him a little bit more.

The other event the kids ran in, which due to work commitments, I was unable to run in, was the Best’s Great Western Classic.

In cold wintery conditions, the kids tackled an 800m course. Kayla coming in again in 2nd place.  Surely she’ll have a win soon?

SAAC runs always mean I run on tired legs, as I do my long trail runs on Fridays.

My aim for my long runs was to run in similar terrain as that to what I would experience on race day for Peaks & Trails.

This meant running up Boronia Peak, simulating Mt Sturgeon, and Chautauqua Peak simulating the Piccaninny.

Can you see why I love trail running? Ok so it can be a hard slog, but that view.

July Running Statistics

Distance – 204km (195km of that were running kilometres)
Total Hours – 24
Longest Distance 
– 23.3 km
Number of Activities 
– 32

As you can see July was my biggest month EVER!

If I had gotten in that missed training run, I would have smashed out an easy 205km of running.

While it has been challenging with balancing work and family life, I did it!

Overall Running Statistics

Total Running Distance – 782 km
Monthly Average – 111.33 km
2017 Kilometre Prediction – 1340 km

August will see a slight taper, before my next big event, leg 3 of Surf Coast Century.

Then the Holiday and of course the beginning of a new training cycle.

Happy Running! And see you next month.

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