March: Where’s it at?

If you are wondering what happened to February’s Where’s it at, well there isn’t one.

I started writing this one for February but realised I couldn’t remember a damn thing, so I figured, let’s just keep it current.

So have March instead.

Getting: All the crap evening shifts at work.

Making: Good use of the BBQ, with all this hot weather

Cooking: Burgers, yep on the bbq for dinner tonight.

Drinking: Water, cause it’s been so hot.  Hello, it’s Autumn people!

Reading: Camino by John H. Clark III.  Let’s just say, I’m utterly disappointed, and feel ripped off.  I’m speed reading it now (at 70%) as I’ve invested too much into it to shelf.

Wanting: Summer to bugger off.  And Rain, lots and lots of rain.

Looking: At doing P90x3.  I’ve had this program for ages and have never done it.  I think it’s time.

Playing:  1010 on the iPad.  I find it relaxing.

Deciding: On what to have for lunch.  I’m thinking of Tortilla y patatas (potato omelette)

Wishing: I wasn’t so stressed.  I know what’s causing it, sometimes I hate being responsible.

Wondering: Why the behaviour of one of my children has gone downhill lately?  Need to work out what the underlining issue is.

Loving: The face swap app.  I haven’t laughed until tears for a long time.

Pondering: Why I have nothing to ponder about.

Considering: Entering Run the Rock, as a lead up to Wings for Life.

Buying: A bulk load of new underwear.  You would too with 40% off your fav brand.

Watching: Nowhere Boys.  Ok so it’s for the kids, but I secretly enjoy it too.

Hoping: That work doesn’t call me in for another crappy night shift.  Oops too late, they did.  And I stupidly said yes.  Why oh why do I have to be responsible on.

Cringing: Trump & Abbott, need I say more

Questioning: Why I can’t say no, and why people can’t respect my boundaries?

Smelling: Nothing.  Stupid hayfever.

Wearing: 2013 Taylor Swift Tour T-shirt & my ghanda shorts

Noticing: The kid’s table is messy. AGAIN.

Knowing:  I miss out on spending time with the kids this afternoon because I have to work.

Thinking: I should get lunch, I’m hungry.

Admiring: All those that are running in the early morning.

Disliking: Unreliable people.

Feeling: Crappy & stressed.  Today I feel like I will cry.  That and I’ve had to reschedule my evening run to a day run in the heat because I agreed to work.  That makes me pissed off.

Snacking: On buttered hot crossed buns.

Hearing: Eden by Sarah Bareilles, and the wind through the trees.

Needing: A hug, and some motivation.

3 thoughts on “March: Where’s it at?”

  1. Love reading all your ponderings – see you DO ponder!! 😉 As for the “Questioning: Why I can’t say no, and why people can’t respect my boundaries.” the best way to say no I have found is to say “that won’t work for me right now”. It kind of just shuts people off at the pass. Works a treat every time.

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