Winter Running Essentials

A friend of mine was asking for recommendations on what to wear for running in winter, after experiencing a cold start at the Canberra Running Festival. She wanted to ensure that with the colder months encroaching she would be warm while out on her runs.

I wrote down my recommendations and thought to myself, oh this would make a good blog post.

Then I discovered that I had already written it! 5 Winter Running Essentials.

While I still agree with what I wrote 2 years prior, there are some minor changes to the list.

.1. Merino

Merino wool is considered a powerhouse fibre. It’s resilient, natural, and so versatile.

These sheep survive through blazing hot summers, to freezing winters, all because of their coat.

Whether it’s socks, thermals, underwear or a shirt, anything made from Merino wool will keep you warm in winter with the added bonus of keeping you cool during summer training.

It’s a worthwhile investment, especially if you hate the cold.

.2. Jacket

All of my training runs are done outdoors regardless of the weather.

Not having the luxury of a treadmill er, treadmill, owning a jacket that will keep me warm and dry during the winter months is a must.

Depending on the type of outdoor running you do, will determine what jacket you will need.

Check out my blog posts on running jackets, here and here to determine what will suit your needs.

.3. Visibility

The downfall of winter training means fewer sunlight hours. Unpredictable weather from rain, sleet, fog, mist and of course a drop in temperature.

It’s vital then to be visible to others around.

A headlamp, high visibility gear, and products like Glimmer Gear will keep safe while out doing what you love.

So there you have it my 3 simple yet essential tips, that will help guide you on what to wear when out running this winter.

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