Taking a nap is not a part of the 9-5 lifestyle.
While those afternoon siesta or ‘naps’ are a normal part of the ‘European’ culture, it’s not the norm for the majority of society.
Our life is anything but normal. It’s more of a topsy-turvey kaleidoscope of colours really.
My husband works from home, while I work part-time in a supermarket. We both share the care of the kids.
My workplace will have me working the 0600 to 1300 shift (yes 24 hour clock), one week then a 1500 to 2200 shift the week after.
Working odd hours means that I have to get my training done whenever I can fit it in.
Sometimes that means in the morning. Sometimes the during the day, and other times at night.
Not having a 9-5 job means that there are some days when I am utterly exhausted.
It’s those days, when the only cure for this exhaustion is a nap.

While napping isn’t for everyone, naps have certainly helped me and Tom power on through our chaotic life.
They give us the energy we need to be able to continue on with our busy day.
Thanks to Casper for providing this infographic, please visit Casper.com for more information on how to sleep better or to check out their latex mattress.
Now I’m officially a nana, twice over, I wholeheartedly enjoy a nana nap every now and then (no guilt!!)