High Five Friday #4

Wow, what a week it has been!

Today honestly does not feel like Friday.  Feels like Wednesday. Don’t ask me why it just does.

It has been a jam-packed week that’s for sure, coming back from holidays, kids starting school, and me working too. So I’m looking forward to a much-needed sleep tomorrow.

Five Pictures


Top Right – While travelling home from Sydney we stopped by the Three Sisters and came across this decorated Rhino.  It’s part of an art project, but it’s pretty funky.

Top Left – Travelling from Sydney to Stawell is a long trip on back roads with kids. So we made the decision to stay overnight in Wagga Wagga (pronounced Wogga Wogga).  Before we left on our trip we booked accommodation via AirBNB, as can you believe it all other hotels were booked out.  We scored this awesome 50’s apartment, with black floorboards and natural light pouring it.  It was fabulous and cheaper than a hotel room!

Right Middle – Wagga is a magically little town.  I figured I might as well get a run in as I don’t know when we’ll be back again. I ended up running along the Murrumbidgee River at sunrise, was amazing.

Bottom Left – Kids go back to school.  It’s a yay and nay.  Yay cause they are at school. But nay cause I’ll miss them.

Bottom Right – The track/road I use for my long run.  Feels great to be back home running on turf I’m family with.

Five Things

I wrote an article for The Glow and it was published on Thursday.  You can read it here, or you can wait until next week when it will be published on my page (with more pictures).

A friend of mine shared this article on Facebook, and it was too good not to share.  You can read it here – Trail Running Etiquette – The Rules Of Play.

While on holiday I read Laura Wiess’s novel “Leftovers“.  I found it a striking read. I discovered this Author as she was recommended by another Author that I love and follow on good reads.

It’s a Young Adult fiction novel, but if you are female or a mum of girls, it hits a nerve.

My review of the book can be found here.

Medal Displays Australia started following me on Twitter, so natural I had to go check them out.  Needless to say I’ll be placing an order soon. Just have to decide which one.

Need a laugh? Then you have to check out this story about a stolen sandwich.  Hopefully, it will put a smile on your dial.

What are you high-fiving about today or this week?

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