Where’s it At: The Lockdown Confessions Edition

Back in May, I did a check-in with the COVID Edition of Where’s it at. You can check it out here –  Where’s it at? The COVID Edition.

Fast forward another 6 months and here we are checking in again.

This time I have a few confessions.

Lockdown Confessions

Delay: I wrote this a month ago.  It’s been sitting in my drafts folder because I just wasn’t happy with it.

I put my whole blog on pause since then.  I have not been inspired to write a single thing.

Instead, I decided to keep things basic.  No point in putting more stress on myself than needed.

Celebrate: My thoughts when I chose my 2020 word “Celebrate“, was that it would be a year full of fun, joy, and laughter.  It has been anything else but that.

Sure I have celebrated small wins, like a 5k personal best (22:30), which I haven’t done for over 2 years.  But other than that, life has been a boring flat line.

With no events to look forward to, what’s the point of training?

Training keeps me accountable and gives me structure.  I’ll continue to do my workouts, but it’s still not the same.

Connect: This is why when Clothing the Gaps announced that they were doing another virtual run, it also happened to coincide with restrictions being lifted for regional Victoria.

Figuring this would be a good opportunity to connect back with my love of trails, I signed up to do the half-distance.

My goal track was to run from Jimmy Creek to Mt William.  I have done it the other way, but I want to do it in reverse, as you notice different things when you go in the other direction.

You can read about my first adventure of running the Major Mitchell Plateau here.

Unfortunately, the track is currently closed due to track maintenance.

While I didn’t get to run the track I wanted, I decided to run the Wonderland (20k) course, but in reverse, with a little extra, to make up the half distance.

I didn’t see a soul for the first 8km.  Once I got to the Sundial car park, it was a different story.  The Pinnacle was a highway!

Overall, I was really happy with how I ran this course, and it was good to connect to country (Djab wurrung)

Heavy:  I don’t own scales.  I haven’t for a long time.  So when I had the opportunity to use one, I thought why not?

Now, I know I have put on weight.  Alas, I didn’t realise how much.  When the number on the scale flashed at me my initial thought was “Oh. Well that explains a lot”.

Running has been hard lately.  I put it down to running in the afternoon instead of mornings.  Yet, seeing the number on the scale, made me realise a few things.

Recording:  Logging back into MyFitnessPal, I logged my food for 2 weeks.  I noticed a few things.

  1. I’m not drinking enough water
  2. I’m not eating enough leafy greens
  3. I’m not eating enough protein

Number:  The number on the scale does not define me.  I know that.

Which is why I’m going to concentrate on the following:

Photo by Purple Smith from Pexels
  1. Drink more water
  2. Add leafy greens to lunch and dinner
  3. Have better snack options
  4. Concentrate on the weight of the barbell
  5. Have fun with handstands

Handstands: In one of the Facebook Groups I’m in, the head coach used to be a gymnast.  One day she was posting about handstands.  There was something fun, about it that made me think “why not”.

I’ve been sporadically videoing my progress.  Progress has been slow, but I have noticed that my form is improving, and more importantly, I’ve been enjoying it.

Have you got any confessions?
How are things for you?

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