The plan was to do a Whole30 check-in at the midway point of my round. Alas, life got in the way and that never happened.

I did however decide to sign up for Instagram. You can follow me here:

One of the reasons why I signed up to Instagram was because I kept seeing the Paleo Network Instagram photos from the whole30 she did in Jan in my Facebook newsfeed. I was inspired by all the food I was seeing. So I thought it would be a good way to show people what I was eating.
I did start off as Day 1 Meal 1 etc, but to be honest, I lost track of days (because I didn’t start on Feb 1st, I started 28th Jan), and a lot of my meals were leftovers, so I ended up just posting things that were new to me, like making mayo, coconut milk, almond milk, and other awesome meals.
In this round of whole30, I made an effort and tried lots of new recipes.
Here is a list of just some of the things I tried.
- Kiwi salsa (Paleo Australia App)
- Banana / Mango / Strawberry Chia Pudding
- Roasted Cabbage Slices (Wellness Mama)
- Zucchini Fritters (Wellness Mama)
- Sweet Potato Hash (new variations – Nom Nom Paleo)
- Caramelized figs
- Mayo (Well Fed)
- Almond Milk (Paleo Australia App)
- Coconut Milk (Wellness Mama)
- Waldorf Salad (Well Fed)
- Citrus Carnitas (Well Fed)
- Chicken & Vegetable Lo Mien (Nourished App)
- Simple Firttata (Nom Nom Paleo App)
I went a tad new recipe crazy. It was great. We had winners with the kids (yay), and some they didn’t care for (nay).
Now I know some of you are properly thinking ‘wait a minute you had a pudding?! That doesn’t abide by the whole30 rules. I get that and I understand that but I’m an endurance runner, and I need a recovery meal, and these puddings I can make up the night before and are perfect for use during training and then again after training. Therefore in my whole30 rule book, they fit. In my opinion, the Mango is the best, then Banana, and then strawberry. I should mention these are all homemade. I tried to replicate the “Chia Pod” which you can buy in the supermarket.
The other thing I discovered was which foods affected me prior to my long runs, and what didn’t. Eggs are my go-to breakfast prior to a long run. I don’t get cramps and I have plenty of energy. Too much protein (meat), and I feel gluggy.
Pureed carrot & prunes make a great replacement gel (in a reusable container like a sinchie), but what is even better is almond butter and banana! That totally rocked during my 21km trail run recently.
I will admit that it took me to about the 21-day mark to really start to feel awesome.
Even though whole30 is now officially over, the only thing I have re-introduced is dairy. Gosh, I missed cheese a lot during those 30 days. I’m glad I have it back. I can also have dairy a lot better than the other rounds.
To be honest I have no interest in eating bread or pasta again. I had rice for dinner last night, and it was ok taste-wise and digestive-wise, but it didn’t rock my socks. So I doubt I will bring them back in. I might have some gluten-free alternatives (for like pizza), but I’m quite content eating this way for the rest of my days.
Have questions about my whole30, ask away?
What recipe would you like me to post?
You have me intrigued. Do you have the homemade puddings or banana/almond butter during long runs? I’ve never heard of Sinshies but will look through the site. What size pouch do you recommend for taking on runs? Do they hold up, or do you find they break pretty easily with heavy use?
I really don’t like most energy gels or chews (too processed, too many chemicals, don’t make me feel great, etc). I prefer just peanut butter and honey or something like that. Homemade pudding sounds perfect too – recipe?? – but I’ve never found a way to carry something homemade very well. You may have just changed my life!!
I had the banana/almond butter mix in my run the gap 21 trail run.
I used the 80ml sinchie and had to use 2 because it didn’t fit in one (I had 1 & 1/2 servings), prob would have all fitted in the 140ml sinchie, and quiet easily in the 200ml.
I’ve used them numerous times and haven’t had any drama’s with them.
The small sinchies are harder to clean though.
I think this lifestyle fits you, especially when I read you said you could do without bread or pasta! I could go without pasta, but I love my breads:)
Your healthy, and eating smart making sure you get what you need to keep your energy up as a runner, while sticking to your diet. That is pretty amazing! I also love that you’ve got your family eating this way too!
I’d love to see the Bananna, mango, strawberry chia pudding recipe if you decide to post it, those are a few of my favorite fruits:)
wait…so chia seeds are not allowed on whole 30?! this is good to know! cos if they were, and you used almond milk and fresh fruit, that, in my knowledge would be compliant, yeah?!
Chia seeds are allowed. Honey, maple syrup however are not.
Also read the label of almond/coconut milks, otherwise make it yourself.
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