The end of the year is upon us, and well that means reflecting on all that has happened this year in 2013, particularly on the running front.

January brought me my first-ever obstacle event. The Tough Mudder. I entered this event back in June of 2012.
Sure it was hard, tough & well of course muddy, but it was worth it. Including the coccyx injury, I sustained. The fun I got out of this event outweighed any pain I endured. I will admit that the Tough Mudder Event has to be one of my all-time top race experiences that I have ever done.

January also meant the start of my Run 1000km in 2013 Goal, which I completed in November. Who would have thought that back then it would only take 11 months to achieve the goal? Just goes to show when you commit yourself to something, anything is possible.
The first half of the year also brought most of my races.
The lead-up to Geelong half marathon brought a muscle cramp that was nearly my undoing. However, some smart thinking (foam rolling and stretching, and not overdoing it) saved the day. I think it also helped that I went into the half marathon race with no expectations. To just run it and have fun. Fun I had, and I also go a new personal best (for the year) for that half.
That personal best time however got smashed again when I completed Run Melbourne. That race however I went in with expectations (and no lagging injury). I went in wanting to get that sub 1h50m time. So yes the race experience was a lot different, but the time was well worth it in the end.
2013 however was more than getting PRs or PB’s for each of the races that I entered. Sure getting a PB rock during a race is awesome, but it’s not so much my main focus going into a race anymore.
2013 made me really Stop and Listen to myself. To my thoughts. To my body with aches & pains, but also how what I ate affects my performance.

I know that what I’ve learned from my experience will carry over in 2014.
All up I would have to say that 2013 on the running front has been, fun, challenging, happy, inspiring, and smarter.
What’s one thing that you have learned about your 2013 running experience?
Great work! My running is 2013 has been up and down mostly due to injury but I am working on getting that fixed RIGHT NOW so I can start the year off as best as possible!
Here’s to another year of running x
Good Luck Ellie, You’ll rock 2014
Congrats on a great running year! My goal for 2014 is to learn about better nutrition to support my running and health goals. Thanks for sharing what you’ve learned! 🙂
Pingback: December Running Stats - Run Mum
Terrific running year, so glad I got to meet you too. Looking forward to reading more this year. Love the photography and the way you write.
Thanks Carol, was great meeting you too. I look forward to hearing how the running adventure is going to be for you too. A half marathon, I’m excited for you.