Breaking down my 23 in 2023 list, section by section, this time Adventures.
I have had visits to Hanging Rock and Werribee Gorge on my wishlist for a few years, and it saddens me to say that they will be back on the list for 2024.
The thing is that the house project just consumed all our weekends.
It doesn’t mean we didn’t have adventures, we did, but while we were on holiday.
Finally got to cross Didthul/Pigeon House Mountain off the list.
We did this with all the family and nephews.

The last time I ran Boronia Peak was for a sunrise back in March. While I missed the sunrise, I ran it again in early October.

Knowing that my time in Halls Gap is coming to an end, I’ve been making more of an effort to spend time on the trails.
While currently not a trail or distant fit, it was about enjoying time in nature and not how fast I was going.
A couple of weeks after running Boronia Peak I chose to climb Bim/Chatauqua Peak.

A few of my friends have been running the Pinnacle loop, and I have been feeling trail envy. So I decided the next trail run would be just that.
Thanks to my body clock, I was up early. While I knew I wasn’t going to get to the Pinnacle for sunrise, I chose to run the loop via Mackey’s Peak, that way I could still experience the sunrise.
There is something magical about being in nature when the sunrise hits the mountains. You become part of the golden glow.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my solo adventures, but I have missed the family adventures, so while I haven’t had the adventures that I intended, I still got out there and had some solo experiences.
One thing for sure in 2024, the adventures in Gariwerd will be had, I look forward to navigating my way through places in the park that I haven’t been to for years, or never been to at all.