Can you believe we are already halfway through 2020?
I feel like a lot has happened (COVID-19), but not much has happened (because of Covid-19).
How are things going with my 20 in 2020 list?
You can find the original list here: 20 in 2020
2020 Progress Check
.1. Read 40 books
With 22 books read, I’m currently on track. I have read more Kobo books than I have on Amazon.
Currently, I’m reading The Bucket List to Mend a Broken Heart. It’s cute, and I’ll finish it while I’m on holiday.
.2. Run 2020 km
1200 km in I say I’m on track for this one.
At present, I’m in maintaining mode, but by the end of the month, I’ll be ramping the training back up for my Handorf event.
.3. 200 NTC Workouts
I’ve been using these workouts as part of my cross-training.
Now that I’ve decided to lift heavy again, I’m using the workouts as a warm-up, with light or no weights (when required), or lower impact.
There are loads to choose from, and they recently had an update, so more workouts to try.
So far I have achieved all my mini-goals within this fitness workout.
.4. Weekly Yoga with Adriene Sessions
Friday’s are my dedicated yoga days. I get home from work, and this is how I unwind.
Usually, I will choose whatever workout YouTube recommends to me (it’s smart like that).
However, I have also decided that I will complete the entire HOME Series (at random).
.5. Learn Continental Knitting
This one has been slow. I understand it, but I feel so unco-ordinated with it. I know it will come with time.
One thing I have learned about continental knitting is that there is also a thing called combination knitting! It’s when you combine continental with English.
I have also learned so much about my knitting style, that I have improved it.
So while I’m yet to knit anything by a swatch, I have learned loads.
.6. Knitting an item in Continental Knitting
Once I get my tension right, and I’m happy with the technique, I will knit something. What? I don’t know.
.7. Learn Tunisian Crochet
It’s just such a pretty stitch. Like knitting and crochet.
I finally ordered some Tunisian hooks which arrived the other day.
.8. Crochet and item in Tunisian Style
Once I finish knitting my jumper, I will find a small project (I’m thinking face washers), to test this one out.
.9. Monthly Photo Challenge
My heart just isn’t in this one. I ended up scrapping it ages ago.
Covid has struck a knife in the inspiration slot. I have ZERO of it.
.10. 20 Family Adventures
Tom and I have made sure we go on weekly adventures. It’s harder when the kids are around because all they want to do is be on technology and have NO imagination whatsoever. That breaks my heart, which is why we still go out and do stuff because sometimes you just have to get the ball rolling.
This one is going ok.
.11. Build a house
Finding a builder IS SO HARD! Wow, who would have thought? Most aren’t available until the end of the year. One local one can start end of October, so we have been busy finalising plans. *fingers crossed* (but don’t hold your breath)
.12. Catch up on Photo Albums
It’s the processing of photos that is taking FOREVER.
As it stands I’m just about to start 2012. Yes, I know that’s 8 years ago!
Don’t worry I’m backing up all my photos via google images too.
.13. Go to Ararat Parkrun
Done before all the lockdown happened!
.14. Go to Horsham Parkrun
Alas no, damn you lockdown. But once restrictions get lifted, and Parkrun Australia announces that they are open, I’m there!
.15. Finish Run Stawell

.16. Write a Will
Yes I know I need to do this. Someone book an appointment for a lawyer for me, please!
.17. Beep Test
No reason why I haven’t done it, just haven’t.
Booking it into the calendar to do when I come back from the Holidays.
.18. Go to a local yoga class
Yes! I did Yin Yoga with Grampians Wellbeing before the lockdown. It was bliss.
.19. Try 20 new recipes
While I have tried new recipes, 20, I have not. But anything can happen between now and Christmas
.20. ???
Oh, the undecided item. I have a few things up my sleeve.
I’m thinking of running every track of Illawarra State Forest.
So there you have it, that’s my list, how is your goal list for 2020 going?