Ultimate Running Date #56

When life throws you lemons, you make lemonade.

Which is why there hasn’t been a check-in since February.

There has been running, and lots of it. My random foot issues were resolved in time, and I only missed the first 2 weeks of my UTA training cycle.

If you haven’t already done so, grab your shoes and let’s go for our running date!

March & April saw me fall back into the rhythm of trail running, testing out all the gear I will need for UTA, including my poles.  I won’t be using the poles for UTA but doesn’t hurt to get used to them now.

The other plus was that I got to cross off one of my running goals, to run from Zumsteins to Halls Gap.  Along the way I got lost, that is a story within itself.

March Running Statistics

Distance – 195km
Total Hours – 24h
Longest Distance 
– 14.6km
Number of Activities 
– 29

The highlight for the month would be running up to the Pinnacle via Mackey’s Peak.  Even got one of my friends Jess, (who while isn’t the most trail-running confident, she’s always willing to give it a crack) to run with me.  We talked about everything, and it does make the time just fly by.

April Running Statistics

Distance – 227km
Total Hours – 31h
Longest Distance 
– 21km
Number of Activities 
– 31

Two things stand out in April.  One, getting lost on one of my trail adventures. This was the bucket list item, running from Zumsteins to Halls Gap.  The run itself was going great, the family met me at certain spots to check in on me and to give me food.

It was the downhill section from Boroka Lookout that was my demise.  I’m running along, all things going great.  Took this photo,

and then the track turned goatish.  

Instead of continuing on I decided to turn around and go back up the mountain rather than continue down.

My thought process was; just get back to the spot I took the photo.  Then I could work out where I went wrong.

There is no shame in backtracking, sure I lost 20 minutes, but I figured out exactly where I went amiss.  Back on track, the rest of the run went without a hitch.

2019 Statistics

Total Running Distance – 666 km
Total Cycling Distance – 144 km
2019 Running Prediction – 1998 km

Considering I had nearly a month off from running, I’m quite pleased that I’m still on target to run the year; 2019 km.

There will be a 2-week taper after UTA before I start training for all things ULTRA.

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