Random Foot Injury

I’m currently not running, and let me tell you it sucks.

It all began after a session of yoga.

Yoga has been a big part of my life since my injury woes back in 2016.

This particular workout was 45 minutes to help strength and condition.  I noticed afterwards that my foot felt sore.  I gave myself a self-foot massage and applied some deep heat. The deep heat didn’t do anything, so I didn’t think much of it.

The next day I woke up and it felt worse. I decided to still go for my run and I could cut it short if it worsens.

While running it was a dull ache but not painful.

Upon waking up on Monday it was quite painful and swollen.  Walking was difficult, as was putting pressure on my foot.

My option was to rest it out, or go to the doctor and get another opinion.

At the Doctor’s he said it could be one of two things.

  1.  Gout. *scoffs* or
  2.  A fracture.

I was hoping for neither. I still got the blood test and x-ray done.  If it were something, I’d be contacted.

Days past.  No word from the Doctor, but my foot was still no better.

Knowing my body, and knowing that I start a training cycle very soon for UTA, I knew that I had to nip this in the bud now.

My choices now were: podiatrist or physio.

Then I remembered I have running friends who are podiatrist/physio team over in Horsham. Normally I go to Ararat to see the physio there, but I figured I’d see Sandra and Shaun instead.  That way if it wasn’t a podiatrist issue I could see the physio instead.

After a few days of hobbling around and only do light exercises like pilates, my podiatrist appointment rolled around.

Sandra agreed that something wasn’t quite right as she could see there was still swelling.  She was able to get the results of my x-ray which everything showed up normal.

With a few inserts to put in my shoe to help alleviate the pain, my next point of call is an MRI.

So, that’s where I am.  In Limbo.

And it’s frustrating.  Running is on hold, as I don’t want to create further damage.  Which is why I have dusted off the bike.

Riding a bike is nothing like running, but it does keep up my fitness and endurance.

What happens with UTA?

Well at this stage I won’t know until I get the MRI and follow it up with the podiatrist.

I have a plan in place, and I’ve reassessed the goals but until then, who knows?

Have you had a random injury?
How long where you out of action?

3 thoughts on “Random Foot Injury”

  1. Pingback: Ultimate Running Date #55 - Matilda Iglesias

  2. Pingback: Ultimate Running Date #56 - Matilda Iglesias

  3. Pingback: Ultimate Running Date #56 - Matilda Iglesias

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