Mindful Monday: Never Judge the Start

There are days when you wake up and you just don’t feel like doing anything.

On those days being a blob on the couch sounds much more appealing.

It is then, that that little voice in your head tells you about your goals and your achievements, and it’s then you realise that if you stay on that couch then nothing is going to change.

You get up, get into your workout gear, lace up and go.

Run-Quotes-#2 Never Judge

Yes, there are going to be days when you want to be that blog.

You don’t need to be motivated to go. Some days you just have to go to get motivated.

Therefore, never judge those first 10-15 minutes of a workout.

It takes time for your mind and body to fall in sync. Give yourself time before you judge whether the exercise you are doing is worth it, or if you should pull the pin.

Then there are going to be days where your heart is all in, but your mind and body tell you another. That’s ok too. Allow yourself to give the rest day.

2 thoughts on “Mindful Monday: Never Judge the Start”

  1. Great tip! I did a video about how you should do at least five minutes of a workout before you call it quits. I could get on board with seven, too! Most of the time for me, starting can be the hardest part. Once I am going, I am fine continuing!

    1. My percentage of not completing a workout is low, usually after the first 5 minutes I feel good and continue on. On the rare occasion I’ve thrown in the towel. Sometimes it’s better for your mind to quite, than to suffer an injury.

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