Ultimate Coffee Date #3

It’s been a while since I have done a coffee date.  You can read #1 (April) and #2 (May) here.

Lots of things have happened since our last coffee catch-up.

So get yourself a tea, coffee, chai, or hot chocolate.  Oh, wait, for some of you it’s summertime, so if you want that on ice, go right ahead.

If we were sitting down to coffee I’d tell you

That a lot has happened since we last caught up. I got my first DNS.

I’d also tell you that I’ve celebrated another birthday. I’m now 34, but I’ve had people tell me recently that I look 28, and no joke – 24! Shaving 10 years off for the win!

Even though my training plan for this event was hindered by getting sick, I still completed the Surf Coast Trail Marathon. To date that has been the toughest run, I’ve completed.

It’s also school holidays and winter, so that means thinking of fun activities to do inside on the days it’s raining.

Can you believe that it’s July? Like seriously wow! This year is just flying

I’m still aiming to run 1000km for the year.  I’d love it if I could get to 100km this month, but we’ll see how it goes.  Hopefully, I don’t get sick or injured.

My goal for July is to continue with my 3 days of weight training.  I’m doing Chalene Extreme again.  I love it, but I’ll also aim to run 3-4 days a week.

I will get back into gymnastics when it starts up again (it doesn’t run during school holidays). I’m determined to hold a handstand for at least 10 seconds.

I’m also thinking of doing a Whole15, I thought about doing a Whole30 again, but really I eat pretty clean now, so I think just a 15-day stint will do the trick.

So what would you tell me if we were having coffee?

4 thoughts on “Ultimate Coffee Date #3”

  1. Oh my gosh, the Surf Coast looks amazing. What a great accomplishment. I have missed seeing your coffee date posts and glad you’re back!

    1. I missed last month because I was sick as a dog, this time I put it in my diary, and I forward thinking and wrote it in advance.
      The surf coast is pretty special, but there are other beaches I love more.

  2. Having a hot choc. I’d be telling you I am sick of this cold weather. WInter be gone! I’ve lost a bit of fitness over the past few weeks because of squibbing out on my runs, but I got out there and ran this morning and got soaked, so proud I put in 8.2km. And you definitely look 24!!! Happy belated birthday. I have a big one coming up!

    Carol / http://www.finding-carol.blogspot.com

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