I have a cold (sad face). I’m not too sure where I got it, but either way, I knew that I wasn’t going to have a flash club run.

These things happen, and since it’s outside of my control, there is nothing I can do about it, you just have to plod on.
This week’s club run was up in Horsham. Due to a change in circumstances, the kids had the opportunity to run this club-run event.

The Seniors were running 6.5km (a there and back).
The Juniors 2km (a there and back).
And the Sub Juniors running a 1km (point to point).
The subbies love getting in the ute to drive out to the start line. I’m in the ute to run with Miles. We have to do a run-walk method cause he doesn’t make it otherwise.

Kayla was excited, she donned her running top, and her sports skort and looks adorable.
She ran well, not her fastest, and she knew that, but she had fun all the same.
I encouraged Miles to run faster to the finish line by saying “I’m going to pinch your bum”, he thought it was hilarious.

Due to handicapping issues, it was decided to make the race a sealed event (all starting at the same time). I like sealed events as they can make you push yourself further. The only downfall is it can also be your undoing. Going too fast at the start and then running out of puff at the end.
I decided not to sprint out of the blocks. I knew I wasn’t going to win, or even get a decent place. I just wanted to run, regardless of time. So I ignored my watch and went by feel.
I was feeling pretty blah. My head is congested and a niggle in my knee (due to a lack of a proper warm-up). Runners behind me were passing me and I was very much, oh well it happens, just keep going.
On the way back in, I was feeling better. The course was nice and flat, which makes it fast, and I was gaining on runners that had past me.
Focusing on my breathing helped a lot. Also having the runners ahead of me helped to.
With about a mile to go, I realised that I was gaining ground. My focus is now was on Ted and Rachel, who were ahead of me. They were so close yet so far away. I turned the speed on and I gradually gained on them. With a mere 100 or 200m to go, I put my foot on the accelerator and sprinted home.

All those speed sessions and concentrating on running negative splits have obviously been working.
First 3km – 14:45m
Second 3km – 14:19m
Last km – 4:32m
So even though I was feeling average, I ended up with a great result, which I’m very happy about. Click the link to see the map and further Garmin details.
There is no club run next week due to Run The Gap.
Sorry to hear about your cold, I hope you get better soon! Your pictures of your kids running are great action photo’s you do have a great way with a camera!
I don’t take any of the sports shots, Tom does, he’s way better at it than me (taking sport photo’s that is).
bummer about your cold – hope you’re feeling better. Smashed that last km!!!!!