Recap: 100 Happy Days

It all started when I saw a blog post from someone stating they had done the 100 Happy Days project.  I had never heard of it before.

After looking it up, I knew it was something that I wanted to do.  So I signed up and put in my start date 14th July 2014.

I was so eager to get started that I ended up starting a week earlier on 7th July.

The project is simple.  Post a picture of something that makes you happy and share it on social media using the hashtag


I chose to use Instagram as my platform, as Instagram allows you to share your posts to other social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter.

This project really makes you think about the things that make you happy.

Sure there were some days where I was like “gez what’s to be happy about”, but just sitting down having a coffee, or reading a book made me really appreciate the little things in my life.

And that’s what I found that this project is really all about.  It’s about appreciation.

We take for granted so many things in our everyday lives.  Well, that’s what I discovered in my life via this project.

It’s not until you have to go without that you realise how easy we have it in this life.

I’m lucky, I own my own home. I have a job. I have a loving partner and two beautiful kids.  I have a wonderful family, and friends that fill my life with joy.

During the project, I discovered that there were some days I had numerous things to be happy about. Like spending quality time with the kids and seeing the joy on their faces. To going for a run, or baking or cooking.

Then there were days when it was the small things that I appreciated, like a song on the radio / iTunes, a sunrise, or the book I was reading.

Mi-100HappyDays (4)

This project made me think about the things that make me happy, each and every day.

Each day I would ponder on what made me happy.  I wasn’t so much consumed by it, because I did enjoy it, but I did totally lose track of my days.

It wasn’t until a friend of mine posted on Facebook that her project had ended that I looked up that mine had ended too! Yes, I didn’t actually think to note down when this challenge was actually going to finish.

To be honest, I feel kind of sad that it’s over because I really enjoyed it.  So I will continue to post the things that make me happy on Instagram using the hashtag


Is this project for you?

I say it’s for anyone that is looking for the following:

  • To be in a better mood
  • To appreciate how wonderful life your life is
  • To fall in love again
  • To find joy & happiness
  • To become more optimistic

If any of those things listed appeal to you and is something that you want to explore more, then the 100 Happy Days is for you.

Have you done the 100 Happy Days Project? If so share your link in the comments

2 thoughts on “Recap: 100 Happy Days”

  1. I had a lot of friends who participated in this project this summer, I loved seeing their photo’s each day as they counted them out. The awesome thing about a project like this is it doesn’t have to end, after 100 days of looking toward the positive each day, it should be quite easy to do it for the next 100 days, months too!
    I am glad you had such a great time with this! I love being around people who are always searching for the positive and happiness life can bring, it really helps lift me up and inspire me to want to be better:)

  2. Pingback: Mindful Monday: A Happy List - Matilda Iglesias

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