High Five Friday – Running Podcasts

If you didn’t already know I’m a big lover of podcasts.

I couldn’t just recommend five podcasts for High Five Friday.

This is why, this week I’m giving you my five running podcast recommendations, and next week I shall give you a general podcast recommendation.

Five Podcasts


Coach and ultrarunner Jason Koop brings together scientists, thought leaders, coaches, and experts to discuss all matters of ultramarathon training and performance.

Whether you are new or a veteran to trails or ultra running, koopcast has something for everyone.

Run Smarter

Aimed for new runners, or runners that have experienced injuries, then Brodie Sharpe from the Run Smarter show is for you.

Brodie a runner and physiotherapist wants you to expand your running knowledge. He will help you identify running misconceptions and become a faster, healthier, smarter runner.

Run to the Top

This is a podcast I’ve only just recently started listening to.

Claire Bartholic master athlete, coach, and vegan runner, is the host of Run to the top. It’s a podcast for all runners. Designed to motivate you and run at your best.

Strength Running Podcast

Every runner should be strength training. If you want to improve your speed, power, and balance then strength training is a must.

Host Jason Fitzgerald shares running advice for new and veteran runners who are passionate about getting stronger, preventing running injuries.

Her Trails

A relatively new podcast aim for women who are entering the world of trails.

Join hosts Sam Gash & Bec Wilcock each week for your long run, where they talk all things, nutrition, motivation, hormones, and more.

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