Learning to Accept that PB’s are Behind Me

Having recently entered into a new decade (go me!), I think it’s safe to say that my PB’s (personal best’s) days are behind me.

When I first started running, it was about going further.  Starting with 5k, then building to 10k and eventually moving on to the half marathon.

As a mum with young kids, the half marathon was a great distance.  Training runs are long enough, but not too long that you are taking away quality time with the family.

It’s safe to say that I love the half marathon distance.

This was the distance that every time I ran, my times got better and better.

My first half marathon in 2012 was Run Melbourne.  I ran that event in a time of 2h3m50s. Yes, I could have run that event in under 2 hours, but I’m glad I didn’t.

Run Melbourne

One year later in 2013, I ran Run Melbourne again in a time of 1h49m24s.

It would take another 5 years before I would smash that half-marathon time.  Why?  Well, I fell in love with trail running.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m super proud of my running achievement in Canberra.  I wiped 5 minutes off my halftime.  Five minutes in the running world is a lot.

Can I better my time of 1h43m26s?  Possibly.

The better question to ask is ‘Do I want to?’

Let’s get real here.  I’m older now and have a lot more running experience under my belt.  I know what I’m capable of, mentally, and physically.

I won’t completely scratch speed and personal bests off the list, but I have learned to accept that they may no longer come.

Trail Running is and always be my jam.

You won’t EVER see me run a 100km, but another 50k, yeah sure, why not.  I’d love to revisit Surf Coast.  Once COVID-19 restrictions start to ease back, I will pick an event and give the 50k another crack.

Macedon, Warburton, and Yurrebilla are all on the list.  As is UTA.

One thing for sure after running my first Ultra in September 2019 at Surf Coast, I knew that it would take a while for speed to get back into my legs.  It took at least 4 months.  Allowing time to recover from my Ultra and then obviously an extremely hot summer.

My runs also moved from mornings before work (use to start at 8 am), to now after work (because now I start work at 6 am, getting up at 3-4 am to run is currently not an option).

Running in summer in the afternoons is a killer.  You have no other option but to go slow.

Eventually, my legs didn’t feel so heavy, and I reintroduced speedwork into my runs.  At first, they were telling me “Excuse me but what are you doing”, to “Yeah we got this”.

Nearly 1 year on from running my ultra I have the speed back in my legs, but I’m not sure if I will ever be as fast as I used to be.

This is why I’ve decided to accept the fact that PB’s days may never come again.

Now that I’m in my 40’s I’m going to scrap the PBs that I gained in my 30’s and introduce PBs of my 40’s.

Let’s see what I’m capable of in the next 10 years.

But wait, what are my PBs?

Well here they are:

PB’s of My 30’s

Here’s to the next decade of running!

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