January: Where’s it at?

Today marks the official last day of blogging every day in January.

I didn’t quite keep to my Table Topics list, but that’s ok, sometimes you just got to go with the flow.

Today’s blog post is going to be something a little bit different.

I ‘borrowed’ the idea from Claire, who I’m sure got the idea from another blogger.

It’s different, and it’s something I want to do every month.

So here is January, in a collection of words.

Getting: Organised again. 6 weeks of no schedule has been fun, but it’s nice to be in a routine again.

Making: Lists, for grocery shopping.

Cooking: I’m hoping for a pork roast for tonight.

Drinking: A pot of mint tea.  It’s quite refreshing.

Reading: What I know for sure by Oprah Winfrey.  It’s a collection of inspirational stories.

Wanting: The rain to bugger off, so I can go for a run.


Looking: At photo’s from last year, to make into a photobook.
Playing:  Geocaching with the kids.

Deciding: What I should wear today?  I think it’s pants and jumper weather.

Wishing: People would care about their environment. Also wishing that the heritage-listed park in Tasmania makes a full recovery from bush fire.

Wondering: If I will get the PB I want at the Sunset Run in 2 weeks.

Loving: My granola for breakfast

Pondering: On which granola I should make next?

Considering: Entering the Werribee Mansion Run.

Buying: A RDIF card, to protect my other cards in my wallet/purse

Watching: The kids wrestle with Tom

Hoping: That the next movie we choose to watch isn’t crap. Don’t waste your time with “The Way Way Back”

Cringing: At the really bad photo’s that people think are awesome. Then I think, yes it’s you who make me not want to do photography anymore.

Questioning: Why the tv is still on, but no one is watching it.

Smelling: Bacon and Eggs that the kids just ate

Wearing: My pj’s still

Noticing: That my cup of tea is now empty

Knowing: There are still dishes from last night to do.

Thinking: If I will ever be motivated to do stuff today.

Admiring: Those that can blog regularly and keep a life.

Disliking: Rude people.

Feeling: I should get up, and go have a shower so I can go grocery shopping.  But I’m also feeling lazy

Snacking: Thinkfood Munch. I got it as a sample in a monthly subscription box, and it’s delicious.  The bonus is that I can get it at my supermarket.

Hearing: The kids playing, and being silly, and Madonna’s “revolver”.

Needing: Others to be more reliable.

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